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Hi.. I have inherited my father's 37 year old African Grey female. We love her very much. She talks in my Dad's voice who has passed on and it is kind of cool to have a living remembrance of him. We have had her about 5 yrs now. She is closer to my husband than me and often does things to aggravate me! LOL! My fault since I showed an annoyed reaction. My big question is she has started falling from her perch frequently. She eats well and looks fine. I wonder if I should get her nails clipped. However, last time I did that she fell a lot! I never get her nails clipped. Should I replace her perch? It is kind of branchy and maybe has gotten too smooth. I think she falls when she is asleep. Once she ended up hanging upside down from her perch and my husband had to put his hand on her back and push her back up. She is semi hand friendly but if so, only with my husband. Thanks, Jo<br><br>Post edited by: Jopalis, at: 2008/01/30 07:03

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Thank you. She is a sweetheart when she is not trying to bug me by making noise with the bottom of her cage skirt! LOL!


I am seriously concerned that she has been falling off her perch lately. She often stays on the bottom of her cage. Out of fear I think. She seems to do it when she is asleep. Should I post this any specific place? I don't get her claws trimmed. Her perch is like a wooden branch like material. Came with cage. Are you supposed to replace perches? She looks good, eats good, etc. Just falls frequently..... Thanks.

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When was the last time she has seen an avian vet I would take her in it could be the start of a health problem.. In the mean time could you get pictures of her nails and the perch. If we were able to see it it might be easier for us to try and help.. I think its wonderful you still have part of your father through that amazing grey! Welcome btw and I hope you enjoy yourself here!

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Welcome Jopalis!!


Falling off the perch while asleep is not normal as their Talons actually "Lock" to avert such an incident.


That would indicate some type of physical problem. As others have said, an avian vet visit is in order.


Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)

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Her Highness' name is Tobie. I wish she were more hand trained but she is not. She also packs a heck of a bite as you all know about. She is closer to my husband. He can pet her all over and she regurgitates food for him. Eeeew! Yes, I know it is a loving thing. LOL!


Anyway, here is a picture of Tobie, that shows her cage and one with her talons. I think they are the problem. Then curl around so much that it looks like just the tips touch the perch. Last time we had them cut they cut too much and she fell a lot! I so appreciate your help.... Hmmm... How to attach pics?


Has hardly been to vet in her life. She has been very healthy. Last time was when they cut her talons. Four years ago. I will have to find a good one. Last one cut them too short! She fell a lot!<br><br>Post edited by: Jopalis, at: 2008/01/30 23:38

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Where can I just get her talons clipped. I checked local avian vet and it will cost me $78.50. I adore Tobie but hubby and I are both in temp jobs at the moment.... They require an exam for $56.50 and $22. for the talon trimming. They are a vet that also does birds.. not just avian vet.... HELP!

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Hello Jopalis and welcome to the family, we are so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and this grey you inherited.


Thats wonderful that you have the grey that belonged to your father and a great reminder of him when she talks in his voice. And it stands to reason she has taken to your husband since she was owned by a male before.


I echo the other's suggestion that you have her checked out by an avian vet especially if it has been a while since she has been to one. She should not be falling from her perches but you never know her age may have something to do with it, but a vet will know for sure.


Please read thru our many threads on various topics for lots of useful information that may be of some help to you. Don't hesitate to ask specific questions you may have, we will do our best to get an answer for you and help you in any way we can.


She is a very lovely girl from the pictures you posted of her and Tobie is a cute name.:P

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Hi, and welcome! Thank you for joining us and for sharing stories & pictures of your bird.

Unfortunately, I don't know of any way to get low-cost care for Tobie. Maybe the avian vet would work out a payment plan for you? Couldn't hurt to ask...

Also, I've always read that birds should have a variety of perches. Klaus has a straight wooden one that came with the cage. He also has two different sizes of cement ones which I alternate. (The cement ones are supposed to groom their nails.) Then there are a couple of wooden ones that are very "natural" left in the branch shape with knots, etc...

In addition to the avian check-up, I would try offering a variety of perches.

Good luck!

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Thank you. I did look at her nails and they are curved a lot! When she walks on the bottom of her cage, they hook on the grate. I will get her checked out by a vet. I would prefer one just for birds. For now, I found a reputable bird store near me that does grooming. I will check them out. I talked to them about how the previous vet cut them too short. They said they would show me the length they should be... She may have to get used to the new length. I hope not. I will watch to see if she is still having problems. I think previous poster was right... her talons aren't doing what they are supposed to when she is alseep on her perch. She could never walk on a flat surface they curl under so much.... I looked closely after reading here and when folks said to take a picture of them.... Thanks!!! She is pretty! I would love to hear from others who have had a Grey for a long long time and get some info about how they age...what to expect... This site is wonderful!! I am glad I happened upon it. Jo

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Jopalis: I agree with the others as to a vet visit. Most will help make the financial situation easier. From the great pictures you posted the perches look just fine. The cement perch should file the nails down naturally. Tobis' nails look good to me from the second picture. Does he use his cement perch often. You can also put a new perch way down low in the cage for him so help avoid a fall. I think there is enough concern to see a vet as a grey shouldn't fall off their perch as much as Tobi is. Sometimes they do but not as regular as you have stated. My Mazy is 13 and her nails are longer than Tobi's.

We're glad you found us and look forward to hearing how it goes.

Bruce & Mazy

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