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Hugeeeeeeeee milestones hit today..


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As i stated from my very first post my new Grey has cage aggression issues once he is in there it is usually hard to get him out.. but once he is out he is fine.. Well the past two days i have kind of let him do his own thing as far as coming out goes .. well when i first got him he would sit on the perch in the very back and not come closer with out freeking out .. I would offer to let him step up and he wouldnt so i left the cage open and said ok mommy will be back and he would step on the perch closest to the door and be like hey you forgot me and then i would offer to let him step up again which he still refused.. Well today i opened his cage and he wanted out but when i offered to let him step up he refused again so I did the same thing left and came back and asked him if he wanted to step up he didnt so as i walked to the door he whistled at me and got out of the cage on his own climbed to the top I asked him to step up and he did without any problems.He was excited for his daily spoon feeding of banana and rice cereal.(I know he is spoiled) He also today when i took a bathroom break I always have him near me whereever I go and I went to the bathroom when i looked around the corner to see that he was ok I couldn't see him then i heard lil click clicks on the floor and looked down and there was my baby on the floor at my feet wanting to step up:) I love him...

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