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"Come to the light Rey!"


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Okay quick funny. I was sitting in front of Rey's cage last night talking to him. I leaned over to get something and Rey (he is blind for thoes of you that haven't heard) walked out the door and down on to the floor. It scared him a little of course and off under the ottoman he went. We slowly picked up the ottoman and he scurried under the couch. Now I've worked all day I'm NOT moving the darn couch, plus I didn't want to squish him. Ryan being the smart one in the family grabed the flashlight and pointed it under the couch. Now Rey CAN see light to some degree. So here we are with our bums in the air with a flashlight shining it under the couch, and I'm feeling like I'm in the Poltergist movie. Softly cooing "Come to the light Rey!" "Follow the light sweetie"


After a few minutes he did make his way out and I scooped him up in a towel and he climbed back into his cage! Safe and sound. I have had him a week today and what an adventure it has been. Maybe I need to teach Remo my Quaker to be his seeing-eye-bird since I don't have a Parolette.

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That is funny! Reminds me of the time something spooked Klaus while he was on my shoulder in the kitchen and he flew behind the microwave cart. My son and I stood there in stunned silence for a second, then cracked up when Klaus came waddling out from under the cart, a little disheveled, but ok! :)

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