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Hello everyone Im brand new to your forums. I may be a grey owner friday depending upon the advice I get here. I tried searching yoru forums for topics on rehome but I didnt find them. i probably just didnt use the right keyword or something.Anyways. I have come across what seems to be a great deal to me on what I hope will turn out to be a nice bird.I found a 12 year old congo grey with cage and hes a talker.The lady who has him now has had hime for 5 years and got hime from the guy who had orinially hand raised him from a baby.She used to clip his wings for the owner and when the owner developed alergies the bird had to go.The bird never made up to her as far as to let her hold him unless by towleing and she thinks it may have been because she was the "dirty deed doer"She says in 5 years she has come down to a realazation that he may never warm up to her and she would rather not see him miserable.I seen the bird ( he is kept in a small room upstairs away from people with a blue and gold and other birds that are cycled in and out of cages so they can each have time out each day.The minute i opened the door he came to the side of teh cage where i was and said "hello" and put his head down for a scratching.I scratched his head and he was ok.Do you think he would be ok coming home to a house with 4 children and put in the living room with us? Advice is desperatly needed.Thanks

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I should also add that she says he nails her every chance he gets and will even go as far as to try and trick her in the cage by pretending hes tangled in stuff and then bite her.Does this sound like anything serious?I would really like to give this bird a chance at our home but want whats best for him.

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She may be right that he doesn't like her because of the toweling and clipping she did to him while he was with the other owner. He sounds friendly and he would be a great addition to your family if you have the patients to let him warm up to you and for the occasional bites you may get. I have four children and the birds / children have adapted to each other but my children don't really handle them all that much because they can bite. Do you have the time to spend with him to work on a bond and incorporating him into your 'flock' (family)? If so, maybe he would be a great addition.

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Hello Rickster and welcome to the family, glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and this grey.


Yes by all means I think you can do wonders for this bird if you give it lots of time and use patience in working with it to bond and develop trust with it. It has already shown an interest in you and you may hve to suffer a few bites but he sounds like he just needs the love and devotion of a good owner like yourself.


Please read thru the many threads on various topics for lots of useful information and do not hesitate to ask specific questions you may have. We will do our best to get an answer and help you in any way we can.


When you do get this grey if you would take a few pictures and share them with us we would love to see him.

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Yea!!!! Congrats to your pending new addition. We look forward to seeing pictures. There will be a period of adjustment for you, family, and the little guy but the rewards will be awesome and awe inspiring.


Many blessing to you and karma as well.

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Welcome Rickster!!


It certainly sounds like the two of you hit it off from the get go. :-) It may be that she prefers men and thus, the instant attraction to you. Or, she could have "Chosen" you which is what most of us wish and look for when acquiring a new Parrot of any type.


Looking for ward to hear what you decide. Are going to make anymore visits in between now and Friday to see how you are received again by her?

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