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I didn't get my baby.


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They both are going in today at 2 and will both be seen. I will post anything I find out today.. I just read my post above and it says tomorrow well I wrote that after midnight so I should have said today later on sorry for the confusion.<br><br>Post edited by: Bailey, at: 2008/01/30 12:13

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Bailey, I hope all goes well at the vet today and I look forward to hearing what he/she has to say.


Please do consider doing the blog and don't worry about your writing, I think you express yourself very well.


I will keep you and these two greys in my thoughts today and not that I hope anything is wrong with Shay but if it is a medical reason why she plucks then something can be done to correct it. But in any case you will get this licked and we will be here for you any time you need us. I am so proud of people like you.:)

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Well, congrats on your new birds! I know it wasn't what you expected at all, but everything happens for a reason. And your new babies are very lucky to have you. A couple of things for plucking - Get toys they can shred, make foraging toys. Coconuts are great for that and they can shred them. You want both interactive toys and ones she can get her "pluck on" with that isn't her own body! And lastly, one thing I have seen remarkable results with for pluckers is acupuncture. Of course they probably need a check up with an Avian vet, if you have a vet in your area that does acupuncture - give them a call and see if they have any experience of knowlage of feather plucking and treatment. I worked with a vet that did acupuncutre on a number of pluckers and the results were amazing!!

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The going to the vet went as well as to be expected. I won't get the results until tomorrow. The vet assumes that since she hardly plucked the last couple days that her plucking was due to stress but he took a blood draw and did a fecal. He wants to rule out infections and dietary needs before he positivly diagnosis them with being pluckers due to stress. I am positive it sounded more sophisticated coming from him.. I am sure I am forgetting something he told me but for the life of me I can't recall.. It seems the older I get and the more children human or other wise that I have the less my brain works. I will keep you all posted in the blog I think we are really making progress in only two days!

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Bailey: That's pretty good news from the vet, and if it indeed stress related you will get it nailed down and turn them around.

One thing I didn't notice while reading through this thread is if the birds are in separate cages. If not it may help with their individual security. That is all I can see that hasn't been addressed. You are doing a wonderful thing, so here's a karma.

Bruce & Mazy

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nope they are a bonded pair I havn't seperated them due to the fact that they really love one another. I feel it would cause Shay more stress and anxity. I might concider it in the future when she is more secure in herself and in her new home.. If it seem as though she isn't making the progress we think she should be I will remove her also if he is enabling her inscurtiy we will takes steps then. As for now they cuddle and play constantly!<br><br>Post edited by: Bailey, at: 2008/01/31 22:51

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Good Luck, I only read half the emails before I scrolled down to post. I think its wonderful what you're doing. I can't say I would have done anything differently but I also know way to well; the feeling of being in over your head! You'll be fine though, I can feel your compassion through your email and the birdds are so much closer. It won't take them very long until they realize they are in safe, loving and supportive environment and things will fall into place. Last night my bird fell in love with one of those brown paper grocery bags. I have a son that has small figurines that the bird is also very fond of. I wonder if you can just look around your house and gather non-toxic items/toys that you could introduce to them? I also read a book about the natural instints of African greys which spoke about their extreme need to be safe which could help- I'll get the name from home. I read another interesting article about getting the bird's mind off of the plucking as a successful way to deter it. It said there are numerous sucessful studies of teaching birds computer skills as way to keep them occupied, happy and calm. I wonder if it really works? Who knows, maybe i a couple of years this website will really be ran by the birds! (If it's not already.

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