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I didn't get my baby.


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Bill went to get our newest family member it was a 5 hour drive and with 3 kids with a cold it wasn't something I was going to be able to do.. Bill got down to the breeders he called me he asked how heartbroke I would be if we didn't get our baby. He told me also about an adult breeder pair who was friendly but the female has stripped and plucked herself horribly (The lady said it was the male we have found out other wise) and how she was starting on the male. They were for sale and he thought they should come home with us.. So after working out the finacial part( even more money) The lady sent them home with Bill . I am happy to have them here with me and devestated as I have sat here for the last couple hours watching the female pluck herself and strip her beautiful feathers. They look dirty.. I thought with the last few years of my life I would be prepaired for anything to do with animals in distress...We take in rescues of every kind of animal. Fix them up and find them forever homes... But I havn't seen the bird I have always wanted so scared and stressed. We have pulled the nesting box that came on there cage off and we have already started puting fruits and veggies in there food dish. They are on Pretty Bird Diet. The breeder stated that they were on a mostly all pellet diet. There arn't hardly any thing that resembles pellets.. Don't get me wrong if others like this diet it is totally upto them. She has given them only oranges for fruit no veggies. She told bill the male was doing the plucking I don't honestly think he is I have seen her pick him and her pick herself. They are sweet and loving but terrified of us. I am sorry this is kinda all over the place but I am worried and a little stressed. I have read about pluckers. I have read about the aloe spray we will try tonight sometime if they have settled down a bit. I am going to take pictures and post them. I am off to order a better diet online. I guess I am needing support more than anything. It is one thing to rescue the animals I have.. Its a complete other to see your dream so scared and stressed that they are all torn up.


Post edited by: Bailey, at: 2008/01/29 10:28<br><br>Post edited by: Bailey, at: 2008/01/29 12:33

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Oh my goodness Bailey.. you certainly have your hands full. I am sure you will come through this with flying colours though and your new Greys will thank you for it.


It never fails to amaze me how people can abuse their pets, until they have behavioural problems and then expect some one else to not only take over and try to rectify the problems they have created, but also to PAY for the priviledge!


What are their names? Have they been DNA'd? Its just that the previous owner seemed to be wrong on so many other things, I wonder has she got the sexes right?


Lots of questions... sorry....

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They have been dna'd one is named Shay and Sam but don't respond to it at all. They were originally to be breeders for her but she decided to get out of the business well thats the story she told me the story she told my boyfriend was completly different. I don't mind paying Bill and I would have given her all of the money we have to get them to be here with me luckily she only charged me full price on breeder greys. I am sure she isn't a horrible person I don't like to bash anyone I just wish she would have been A. Honest and B. Tried with these guys. I will gradually change their seed only to pellets/seeds and work from there. Veggies, fruits and sprouts are on the menu for tonight. I have noticed however that the male hardly ever lets the female near the food bowl is this normal?? They are up right now even though they have been up most of the night with the exception of dozing. I assume its adjusting. I am happy with them I am in love with them both already.

I have a few questions..


Shey has plucked Sams chewed Sams neck.. Should I allow them to still be housed together?


Will spraying Shay with aloe to soon upset her?


I want to take a picture or two of them should I give them a few days??


I am sorry I am asking so many questions I was ready for a baby grey not two wonderful little people who need special care. I feel like I know nothing and I hate feeling helpless like I can't fix anything. They are off to the vets day after tomorrow I want to give them a little time to settle in. Shay looks simply like she is itchy she is always itching her face and using her beak and head to itch other parts of her body. I am not intending to say horrible things like I mentioned before but it does make me angry. I can't help but smile however because Shay and Sam are sweet lovable and make me smile. I feel the need to protect them they are now my children and I would do anything for them. I want so much to grab them hold them close and tell them they are ok. I would wish for one chance to let Chey know that she does have someone who cares for her deeply and wants to make her better.


Post edited by: Bailey, at: 2008/01/29 12:31<br><br>Post edited by: Bailey, at: 2008/01/29 12:43

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Bailey, just read your post and I just cant believe it! you will get through this with lots of support and good advice which everyone here can offer you.How old are they? Do you know? I believe these things happen for a reason. Keep us posted.

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I fully understand you are feeling angry/frustrated ,we will support you emotionally while you get these guys on the road to recovery.I know only to well the feelings you have,one of my greys i rescued before xmas had a rotten life & it is a slow road to gain the trust of these neglected birds.


As for seperating them im not sure,do you have two cages so they can be side by side ? if they have been housed together,seperating may well upset them even more. I would spray them both with the aloe vera.

With an improved diet,some affection & patience im confident you can turn these guys around ;)

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They are both are 6 yrs old. I have their linage papers and the dna documentation from the DNA company.


Sorry yet another question for everybody!

I would love to find some toys that would entertain them and maybe hamper some of the need to chew or strip so far my internet search for toys has proven fruitless. The toys I did find have feathers all over them.. In my mind its kind incouraging this behavor. Any and all ideas are very much appriciated!<br><br>Post edited by: Bailey, at: 2008/01/30 05:54

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First make sure you have them QT'd from the other bird you just got. Next take them to the vet. There are many reasons a bird plucks and number one on that list is health issues.

I would also separate them and get them to bond with you before letting them live together at all. It is also possible she is plucking due to wanting nesting material for breeding so separating may help stop that.

My Blue female quaker plucks every breeding season.

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(((Bailey))) Here's a huge cyber hug. Hang in there. I'm sure you'll get tremendous support here, advice, friendship and most of all understanding.


There seem to be so many stories like this - it's really very distressing. When people visit us here and marvel at my CAG's antics, I'm finding myself putting TONS of emphasis on how much time I spend with the birds and how much care and interaction they need. I'm finding myself subconsciously trying to discourage people from frivously going out and getting a Grey.


There is a rescue aviary in Poolesville Maryland. It's run by the Buddhist temple there - it's one of the temple I attend. The Buddhist nun who runs the aviary is a veterinarian as well. I'm wondering if I can talk her into dropping by every now and then here on this site and providing some advice to people such as yourself who find themselves suddenly confronted with a traumatized rescue. I think she'd be a great source of information as this aviary specializes in rehabilitating severely traumatized birds.



In the mean time, if you want to contact her via the website, here is the aviary's web site: www.garudaaviary.org - her name is Ani Pema. Her entire life is dedicated to helping distressed animals - I'm quite sure she'll be happy to provide you with advice.


Best to you - hang in there

Terri<br><br>Post edited by: Nychsa, at: 2008/01/29 14:57

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Big hugs to you and your husband for recognising two animals that needed you and changing your plans to get a baby. As much as it hurts you to see them in any distress, keep telling yourself that every single minute they spend with you and away from their old home is another minute towards a life where they can be healthy and happy.

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Nychsa, I was going to say that there was also a Buddhist temple here in Arizona that has a bird sanctuary. However, when I looked it up, I discovered it was the same one you mentioned :ohmy:. I wonder why they moved to Maryland?


Good luck Bailey! It's great that you stepped up to the plate to take on these two sweethearts :). Poor things, it's awful to hear how some birds end up in such dire straits.

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bailey bailey bailey a blessing on your house for taking in this pair!


my merlin was a distressed rescue and although we have a long road ahead of us, it is very moving and rewarding to see each little step of progress.


one of the first things we did was to start playing music for him. i chose the light classical channel i thought the tones of the cello and flute would engage his mind. big daddy is a bluesman so he'd sneak in and change the channel to the blues channel. funnily enough merlin likes the blues channel (especially harmonicas) and liked the bluegrass channel too.


he is still pretty skittish and we have a very long way to go but every now and then he'll throw me a little surprise to let me know he does not always think i am the devil's daughter!


start keeping a journal of all the little positive steps and then at the moments you feel discouraged ( i feel discouraged quite often ) it will cheer you up and it won't seem so bad.


just my $.02 from the rescue world. and this is my first birdy so i do not mind admitting how big a greenhorn i am.

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Bailey I am so proud of you for taking on this task of these two greys, and I know you will do your best to make them happy and that is all any of us want. You do have a big heart and you have my full support for even though you have your work cut out for you, you will reap huge rewards, things do happen for a reason and it was just meant for you to have these two greys.


Please do blog this saga of these two precious greys for us and others to read about and marvel at their accomplishments, it will be a testament to your love and devotion for them. I just love people like you. Get us some pictures when you can.:)

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spookyhurst wrote:

Nychsa, I was going to say that there was also a Buddhist temple here in Arizona that has a bird sanctuary. However, when I looked it up, I discovered it was the same one you mentioned :ohmy:. I wonder why they moved to Maryland?


Hi there Spooky, the Temple staff are originally from Maryland. The temple's director was temporarily (10 years) in AZ and recently moved back to Maryland.


While in AZ the director became aware of the problems with companion birds and initiated the rescue (they also have a dog rescue which is still in AZ).


When they all moved back to Maryland, the birds came with them as the birds are now accostomed to these caretakers and the promise they made to the birds was that they will never be left by their human companions again.


They built a new aviary in Maryland and I believe the outdoor aviary will be completed next summer.

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When the outdoor aviary is built, I believe they're going to let people visit the birds. Right now they're not permitting visitors to the inside aviary as these birds took a LONG time to recover from their traumatic situations, they are stable and healthy now and the caretakers are concerned that if their environment is too disruptive they'll become too stressed out.


I did get to meet two little grey boys on Sunday though. They're beautiful!!! Ani Pema said she believes they're about 15 years old. It's amazing the work she's done with them. They were not shy with my coming in, they were curious, came towards me to get a better look (one gave me the wolf whistle! LOL Make a middle aged woman feel good :lol: ) All their feathers are nice and plush, they both looked nice and healthy, big boys actually - bigger then my Bella for sure!


The center also has a parrot toy work shop where the care takers share some of their crafts in making toys for the birds. I know one of the things they did for the really shy ones was to create an indoor jungle enviornment with hanging ropes - big thick ones - that the parrots like to shred and hide behind if they're unsure of a situation.


One of the cockatoos is VERY chatty - apparently the birds were fussing at each other and Ani Pema came in and spread her arms up and said "Quiet! I'm big bird!". Couple hours later, that cackatoo said to her "hi there Big Bird" LOL!

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I bet that's the cockatoo I read about on their website way back when! One story said that his main caretaker had to leave for a couple weeks, and when she came back, the bird gave her the cold shoulder. When she asked what was wrong, he angrily replied, "You forgot me!" Another story had the bird asking one of them, "What are you doing?" They said they were giving a bird a bath because he was being bad and they thought it would calm him down. The cockatoo got really close and said, "I'm being good." What a character that bird must be :laugh:!

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Wow, Baily - what a challenge you have on your hands! I can put in 2 cents on cheap toys. Start hoarding every paper towel & toilet paper roll. Cut a length of it, hide a treat inside and crimp both ends closed. Put a treat inside a coffee filter & twist the top up. Save margarine containers & yogurt cups. The margarine containers can be used for foraging, too if you save the lids. Of course, there's always the old stand-bys ~ plastic bottle tops & popsicle sticks. Klaus also loves the tops from powdered coffee cream. If you have a "dollar" store nearby, I'm sure you could find 10 destructible things for 10 bucks!

Best of luck to you - we look forward to updates!

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Thanks everyone for the kind words and support. I am sorry I have not posted back yet today. I have spent most of the day trying to find things to keep Shay busy and reading everything on self mutilation. I would love to start a blog to keep everyone posted. I am by no means though someone who is eloquent with words or anything. So I hope you all don't mind.


I am going minute by minute with Shay. She seems to be fine playing and happy only to turn around and start pulling her feathers out again! She isn't just a plucker she is a feather striper also... her feathers that are left on her body are tattered some just nipped off. Our longest time today without pulling or feather stripping was 23 min. which is the longest amount of time all day. Not bad for day one! Thanks for all the advice I am working all of it into my big plans. I am not putting us under any type of time restraints if this takes years so be it. I am ruling out using a collar on her unless it is our only option. If she god forbid where to start drawing blood it would be our only option. I am not saying the collar is horrible but she seems like it would cause more harm stress wise than it would help. I fear with the collar she would just start again as soon as it was removed.


Day one was sad and desperate at times but so very joyful to watch her play and Sam he is such a sweet funny boy! They acted like it was strange to them to be out on top of their cages all day long with toys, food and treats.


Bill went out to the farm supply store here in town and dropped a load of money in toys. We found these pre-drilled wood blocks in different shapes. They are replacements for this thing called a Treat-K-Bob. We purchased a few of the kabobs and a bunch of replacement blocks so I can make them some of my own toys. The farm supply store has all sorts of neat stuff to use for parrot toys and it isn’t all that expensive. We are building custom perches and play gyms for them out of PVC. Along with digging through our kitchen we have them so full of toys I don't think they could possibly be bored. FYI The wood blocks are white pine untreated and use only natural food coloringthey are all natural and non toxic.


Tomorrow we go to the vet. I am optimistic because it is just one more step in that long road to recovery. I am praying for only good things and I am hoping it all goes well and we don’t stress them to much. Even if it turns out not a medical problem that is causing this atleast it would be one more thing crossed off the list. Not to mention my piece of mind. I will keep you all updated as I learn more.


I am also thinking of opening a photobucket account just for pictures of Shay and Sam. It would be progress photos and some just because they are so beautiful photos.


I welcome any and all advice and criticisms I think with you guys help and continued support I can do this. At my lowest today I was crying only to come on here briefly and get my spirits lifted knowing we are not alone in this! You have no idea what you guys support means to my family and I.


Post edited by: Bailey, at: 2008/01/30 05:50


Post edited by: Bailey, at: 2008/01/30 06:08<br><br>Post edited by: Bailey, at: 2008/01/30 06:10

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So when well you be taking her to the vet? Just to make sure it is not an illness. That is what I would do first.

Plucking a lot of the time causes skin issues that need to be addressed. Like yeast and it itches.

Karma to you for taking this on.

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