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I found this site in November and hadn't gotten around to introducing myself. Now I find myself looking for some comfort and support. Our African Grey, Bella, died last night. She was only 7 years old. We're not exactly sure what happened, but she was in her cage and we were doing stuff around the house. My husband saw her on the bottom of her cage, shaking. It looked like her neck was broken and her feet were curled up tight. My husband took her out and held her. In about 20 minutes she had passed away.


It was completely unexpected; we thought she would be with us for a long time. She was my husband's owner, his baby. They shared a very strong bond, and we all loved her very much. The house is just too quiet. :(


We may, at some point, get another grey, but it is too soon to tell. Bella had a huge personality and quite a vocabulary as well. She picked up words and sayings on her own, and we also taught her to say "Afflack!" and "Rock 'n roll!" She would tell herself, "Step up", "no bite", and "Good bird!"


I would be interested if anyone has advice on getting another bird after one has passed on.


Thank you and I hope everyone has a blessed week.

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Amberyn, welcome to the forum :)



I am so sorry to hear about Bella. This is truly very sad. :( :( :( I think it is WAY TOO SOON to think about getting another bird. I also think that when the time is right it is a matter of feeling, you will feel it's time.

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Welcome Amberyn, I only wish it was under different circumstances you joined us :( My heart goes out to you & your husband.Perhaps something startled her,dont blame yourselves.Given time you will know if another bird is right for you.Try & focus on the good times & joy Bella gave you.

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So sorry for your lose. I agree with the waiting on getting a new bird.

After I love my Draco (my first parrot other then budgies)I got another green quaker just like him but I was expecting another Draco and we never did bond. I found him a new home(my husband best friend so I see him all I want) and got my first grey.

I do have quakers again but this time I expected them to be them and not Draco.

Did that make since at all to you?

Anyway so very sorry for your lose.

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I also feel for your lose and send my thoughts and prayers to you. I've always thought that when Mazy dies I would want another bird ASAP but then I'm not there now. I would miss my bird routine too much. Good luck and again I'm so sorry for your loss.

Bruce & Mazy

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Amberyn, I am so sorry to hear of your loss, it breaks my heart to read your story but thanks for sharing it with us. Greys are amazing creatures and there are no words I can say to comfort you at this time but know that you are in my thoughts and prayers.


I believe you will get another grey in time and you will know when the time is right.

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Thank you everyone for your kind words and advice. As I told my husband, only other bird owners can understand this kind of loss. My husband is a bit surprised at how this is affecting him, but I am not. We have talked and agree that it will take some time to decide if we want another grey or possibly a different bird. Until then, we'll just have our memories of Bella. Tari, I do understand; at this point if we got another grey right away I don't think it would ever compare to Bella.


Have a wonderful week!

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Oh Amberyn, how sad. :-(


I can only imagine the pain, hurt and tremendous feelings of loss. I am so sorry this happened.


We would love to relive Bella's life through you and your hubby and welcome any conversation you would like to carry on with us here.


We do understand, as outsiders of the parrot world do not. We're here for you guys!!<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/01/31 14:29

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