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Poopy Head!


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Well miss Greyce has been very up for exploring this evening. She keeps coming out and exploring the outside of her cage. Watching me and the dogs act like idiots (at least I am sure that is what we appear to look like to anyone or her when we are playing). Well, she was sitting on the cage door and sure enough potty dance (can't wait to be able to potty train her!) and poor Lily (my tiny Chihuahua) was sitting underneath. Well, Lily got a head full of poop! I had to chase her around to clean her up, poor buggar just got a bath last night! Needless to say, Lily was not thrilled!:silly: Greyce however has very good poop aim!:laugh:

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What a beautiful girl!! Thanks for sharing Muse!


Bella and Jiggy now go poop poop on command and they are always quite proud of it. The thing we don't have down is "no poop poop" :woohoo: I thought I would give that command a try while Bella was on my shoulder and she heard POOP POOP and I could see this glint of recongition in her eye - she heard 'poop poop' but didn't connect the "no" and she promptly when :S So my shirt got hit again :dry:

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