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Dorian's Huge Day


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Well, my plan for tonight was to write a post about how Dorian would still not let go of his cage or walk on a flat surface, ever, except when startled off his perch, and ask for advice. I got home and sat on the floor in front of his cage to open my mail, while he came out and wandered about the exterior of the cage as usual. I was glad I had my cheap little camera at hand when he started playing 'peek-a-boo' at the bottom of the cage. I was thrilled I had the camera when, for the first time ever, he stepped down onto the floor. (I just wish he'd done it after I cleaned up under his perch:blush: I'm a good mom, really)





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Well I guess Dorian beat you to the punch, glad to hear he finally ventured out and you had that camera ready and got some shots, thanks for sharing them with us.


We know you are a good mommy, its hard to keep the floor clean around a grey, ask any one of us!!:laugh:

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If there is anyone on here who has figured out how to keep up with the floor mess around a cage, please fill the rest of us in! :-)


I'm still wondering what I'm going to do when my dog passes away because I know she does a lot of the floor cleaning for me!


That's an awesome step for Dorian! You may be surprised to find yourself wishing back to the days when he would stay put for awhile. I'm always hearing little birdie feet running across the hardwood or tile floors in my house. If I leave the room for more than a few minutes, they come looking for me! (okay, it's actually really cute).

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LisaM wrote:

If there is anyone on here who has figured out how to keep up with the floor mess around a cage, please fill the rest of us in! :-)



LOL...I know right! Although, thats nothing compaired to the mess of 10 finches...I am in a never-ending battle with tiny seed husks, and to tell you the truth they are winning!


I LOVE the pic of him poking his head out from the cage...too cute.

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