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Update on Rey Charles


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Well Rey had a rough weekend... I couldn't take the dust anymore! I'm a pet groomer and have OCD about dirty animals in my house. Rey has NEVER had a bath but I was about to GAG!:sick: So into the bathroom we went to quickly clip some flight feathers and into the jacuzzi for a spray bath. I kept it very short and he wolf whistled once in the tub so I took it that he wasn't too stressed out. Now he thinks I'm evil and shys away when I open his cage door. I open his door several times daily and just sit and talk. Hopefully he doesn't hold it against me.


On a good note he started eating the Zupreem Fruit food!!!! (doing my happy dance!) Also Rey's blindness is almost complete... if there is a bright light behind you and walk up to him he can see the shadow. Other than that you can cup your hand around his head without touching him and he never knows your there.


I wanted to thank everyone for their encouragement and advice. Thanks to BMustee for the spelling suggestion for REY I love it! Shamelessmuse was wonderful in suggesting about perch placement. I had a rope perch corner to corner which I had to move. Because Rey is blind he likes to walk on a perch and still be able to put his beak on the wall of the cage. Kinda like trailing your fingers down a wall in the dark. I have been really suprised about how quickly he adjust to change in his enviorment. If I do change toys I always put them in the same spot as the last one.


I will be getting pics soon. Still waiting for my computer to come back from the Dr. So be patient.

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I'm sure he will get over the bath...mine always does, and when I give him a bath you would swear I was killing him! Sense he didn't seem to stressed he may just end up liking them down the road...fingers crossed! From what everyone says, greys like cold water baths, so next time try that (if you didn't the first time).


Wow, so he really is blind as a bat. Thats funny how you say he feels the walls as he walks around...thats how I pictured a blind bird would get around but never got to ask if thats what they would do (never talked to anyone that personally had a blind bird before).

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That is very interesting. I am legally blind myself and that is about the extent of my vision too. I wonder if Ray will use his hearing more just as most blind people do? It makes perfect sense that he would always want to hold his beak on something while he makes his way around. Has he ever tried to fly? Maybe you could get him a Parrotlet to use as a guide birdie? Does he seam more or less sensitive to different people because he is blind? Sounds like an interesting challenge though. Keep up the reports.

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It might be easier on him if you mist him daily with a very light mist from a water bottle. Tell him your going to do it before you do it. Use soft happy tones.

Plus it well help keep the dust down if you do it daily and he well at least accept.

Hope you OCD does not keep you from keeping your grey they are messy by nature and have dust.

Good luck

PS Plet as guild bird I have this image in my head of a tiny harness on the let and the grey with a leash in his mouth. Sorry but just to funny. /giggle<br><br>Post edited by: Tari, at: 2008/01/29 00:26

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Rey Charles, I love it, what a wonderful name for this special grey and glad to hear the update on him.


For a lot of our greys baths or sprays are necessary evils that have to be done unless we have one of the lucky ones that love their showers, which mine does not.


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