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i need some help =[


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B) i have a African Grey Congo Parrot and i dont know if a male or female can someone help me and also i wanna know when do they start talking he or she is already 6 months old and is already talking some what but not much and sometimes does whistling and some gambling talking?


Post edited by: steph, at: 2008/01/28 04:49


Post edited by: steph, at: 2008/01/28 04:57


Post edited by: steph, at: 2008/01/28 05:20<br><br>Post edited by: steph, at: 2008/01/28 16:42

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5 months is a good age for babbling and noises...some greys don't start talking till they are a year old. Just keep talking to your baby, that will help a lot in language development.


As far as male or female, there is no for sure way to tell except doing a DNA test, which your vet can arrange.


Did you introduce yourself in the welcome room?



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Welcome Steph. I don't think there is much of a way to tell if your grey is a male or female, I think there is something to the fact if they have a broader head they are a male, but not sure on that one, and not to mention you don't have another head to compare it too lol. But my SweetHeart is almost 8 months old and she is really starting with the whistles and mumbling and here and there we actually here a word that she won't repeat lol. So that is good yours is starting early, like Hannah said just keep talking to your grey she will pick up in no time.

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Sorry to hear your grey has deformed toes and yes we do have other members who have greys that have deformities and one that comes to mind is Zooky. If they have been that way all its life it knows no different but you may need to make special provisions for it to ensure it's safety.


At 6 months your grey may start talking a little but a lot of them don't until they are a year old or older, just be patient and it will come.


Why don't you introduce yourself in the welcome room and tell us a little more about you and this grey.


Like everyone else said a DNA test is the only way to be sure of the sex.

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My baby Teluhla has a missing Toe and a missing toe nail on one foot. She has had it ever since I have known her, the lady that I am buying her from at the pet store said that a lot of times momma birds accidentally do that to them when they first hatch if they try to move them around and stuff. She seems totally fine with it though. My husbandand sister laught because I call it her jainkey toe!

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As far as sexing goes...I read on some site that besides DNA testing one cannot be sure unless an agg appears. However, they also said that females sit with their feet further apart than males and that females tend to hunker down when sitting. Is this true?

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For DNA testing visit Avianbiotech.com type that into your search engine and it should come up order the kit that uses feathers. The other kit requires you to use blood and the best way to do that is to clip one toe nail short I DO NOT advise the blood test. I know some people who have ended up at the emergency vets office because they couldn't stop the bleeding. As for the feathers it just takes about 4 or 5 of your birds feathers plucked from the chest region and its alot less discomfort on their part.. The kit is free the test is 20 dollars. There is no vet needed and it is easy to do I wrap my Tiels in a towel like you would to clip wings and simply take a pair of tweezers it is easy. The company works internationally so everyone can use it. I hope this helps.


Post edited by: Bailey, at: 2008/01/31 10:14


Post edited by: Bailey, at: 2008/01/31 10:19<br><br>Post edited by: Bailey, at: 2008/01/31 10:35

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hahahahah Judy, you found this!! I fiured you would after my "Hint". Yeah, I needed to stir things up after the tearful post of the new member that lost her dad, then the Parrot that was sold the night before....


I just had to switch gears :P

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