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hi all just to let you know mandi is back in hospital again. she had to give up her parrot training job as she had a fall on jan 8th and still in there. buddy and basil both fine same as the dogs and im just bearing up under the strain. she will be in there for a few more days but mandi hopes sooner than the hospital thinks. buddy is now 3 and still swearing and bein a little so and so to me. however mandi and i are having to move from the house as mandi cant get upstairs and need a more suitable place that will help her she sends each and everyone her love and she is sorry she has not been on to talk to any of you. bye for now steve xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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Steve I am so sorry to hear of Mandi's troubles, she certainly has had a rough time of it hasn't she. I know this has been hard on you, you hang in there and take care of yourself so you can help Mandi.


I think about her a lot and wondered how she was doing, sorry she had to give up the parrot training job, I know she enjoyed that.


I wish you good luck in finding a more suitable place for the two of you to live, something all on one level is best for her now.


Tell her I said hello and to hurry up and get better so she can come back on and chat with her bird friends. I will keep her in my thoughts and prayers for a quick recovery so she can get back home and tend to Buddy.:)

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Oh that's terrible news Steve. :-(


Mandi has been through so much and yet gives so much even with the physical adversities she faces that most of us will never know.


Please give her our love and let her know she is in our thoughts and prayers.

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Oh that is indeed bad news. Very unlucky. to have a fall always is, but to be injured up to the point you need hospitalization even much more so.


I hope she will be feeling good soon and that you will find that house she will feel comfortable in.




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  • 2 months later...

MANDI!!! I'm so happy your finally home and back here with your family! :woohoo:

Buddy must be so happy, as well as I am sure your family is too. Don't be a stranger, you have a lot of catching up to do here! B)

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