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Toy Box Question


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I would like to create a toy box for Greyce. Something she can rummage through and get foot toys out of. I know carboard boxes are good. But, they are at a premium in my house as I use them for shipping things. I was wondering if perhaps a ceramic dish would be okay? I am a ceramist and have plenty of pots laying around.

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I would say ceramic is ok as long as you keep it in the cage. Klaus likes to throw "overboard" anything that's on top of the cage. Also, be prepared to clean it often.

I use old margarine or yogurt containers which can be tossed as soon as they're trashed.

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Oh, I am very careful with my glazes. I know the recipes (I have to since I work off my fees by being a studio slave). It's worked out good, I used a strong porcelain bowl that was thrown with a thick lip. I watched her the first few days as she bit on the rim. After of course I had banged it around. High fired porcelain is pretty strong. She see,s happy with her red bowl. I have her foot toys in it and occassionaly toss a few treats for her to dig for. She won't get on the bottom of the cage yet, so she hangs upside down and pulls it over and then beaks through it.

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