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My Grey is Driiving me crazy


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Leigh : Hello, I need some help with my African Grey, Muggs, he is very smart we've had him for about 7 years. He is probably 10 years old and he is about to drive me crazy wanting attention constantly. He will make continuous noises such as a house alarm going off or an industrial truck backing up etc. It's about drive me and my husband crazy and we don't want to get rid of him. There has got to be something we can do. Do any of you have any answers or ideas before we lose our mind!! LOL

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Well, if he's getting attention for all the sounds he is making, then you have trained him well! :laugh:


Try ignoring the things he is doing that you don't like, he will eventually tire of it and maybe go on to other things. oOes he have enough toys, playstands, and various areas of the house to play in? They like a variety of activities to do through out the day. Perhaps the tv would be another option to entertain him for a little while. Just some suggestions. I'm sure others will have more advice. Please don't give up on him, and keep us posted. :)

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Hello Leigh, and welcome to the family, glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Muggs, I like his name.:P


You have had him for 7 years and I would say he has you trained very well. You need to ignore him some of the time but if this has been going on for 7 years it is going to be a difficult task to accomplish. He is a very spoiled bird and will not take to change very easily but it can be done. It will take time and patience and dilligence on your part to reclaim your life.


Please read thru our many threads on various topics for lots of useful information and ask specific questions if you have any. We will do our best to answer and help you in any way we can.


If you have any pictures of Muggs you would like to share with us we would love to see him.:P

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Welcome Leigh!!


Did this behaviour start just recently? Has anything changed in your Greys Cage or items in close proximity to his cage? Any new visitors or roomies that may be competing for your attention?


If you have had him for 7 years and are just seeing this behaviour, something has changed. I'm sure after having him that long, you have a strong love for him and even thinking about re-homing him would not be an option...hopefully.


It is just a matter of figuring out what has changed or just ignoring the behaviour as others suggested.


Please keep us posted on what you've tried and how things are progressing. :-)

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Hey Leigh:

lot's of good advice up above here. I'll be interested about any recent changes in personnel or conditions. Lots of threads on demanding birds. Definitely you will want to reward good behavior and ignore bad behavior. Give us some more details

Bruce & Mazy

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Leigh:

I think that greys just like to make noise- it's his way of trying to socialize with you. I find that my grey makes the most noise when he is happy. Try giving him some new toys to distract him when he's driving you crazy. You can buy a whole package of new popsicle sticks at the dollar store and give him a couple of those to chew on. But, if he's making a really annoying sound that you want to discourage, like the others said above, you have to ignore it. If you run to him everytime he makes it it just will reinforce the behavior. Good luck!

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