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Hey everyone


Juji and I are bonding so well. She even let me put her upside down and she hung on my hands.


Question: If she seems calm, is it okay for me to keep trying new things? Or could challenging her this early be a bad thing? What signs should i look for? I am just excited that she is letting me touch her all over. :) And she is LOVING the sunflower seeds.

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Thats wonderful Hannah that she lets you do so much to her and so soon too. Keep on with the new things, just do short sessions so she will not get stressed out over it.


That great that she will let you touch her all over, keep it up for it will come in handy for the future.


Go easy on the sunflower seeds, you don't want to give her too many at a time.

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You will get to know the signs when your bird has had enough. When I am playing with our 9 month old and touching him all over he tells me to stop by either flying or walking away or sometimes he even lets out a little growl and will push my hand away with his beak. I then immediately stop. I also watch the look on his face as this tells me alot as well. He gives me the look like, what are you doing, I don't want to play with you anymore so stop touching me.


He is a right little character.

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Judy, now that I have established that the sunflower seeds are her favorite, I am using those as treats and working on securing her step up command.


She's doing so well today. Much more vocal, trying new sounds. My hubby had to leave this morning for WI, and he had to say good bye to Juj. It was so sweet.


Thanks for the tip on the body language, Jane. I am definitely learning her tells quickly.



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Juji, what a great name!


Echo does not like me trying to put her upside down yet... She doesn't freak out, but she doesn't like it. Mine isn't too vocal yet either, ~6 months old. She is very very quiet, but she is trying to mimic words, nothing solid yet but I am working on her when I can. Good to hear yours is coming along great though! Keep us updated!

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That is so cute that your husband had to say goodbye. Liath (nearly 2) says "Bye Bye Where you going?" whenever she sees keys!


The baby sounds are so sweet, does she do the little "peep" sound? Its lovely (except when she is sitting on your shoulder, then it is deafening!)

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Yes she does the peep sounds, and this breezy sound that's through her nose and kind of like a whisper. She had a lot of firsts today...first "good bye" which was almost understandable, first bath, which she hated, first time exploring the bottom of her cage.


What a good baby.

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I am so happy to hear that you have a baby that is doing so well, I can't wait to bring Teluhla home. She learned how to play peek-a-boo at the store the other day when I was visiting, she would run and hide behind a cage and when she would poke her head out I would say peak-a-boo and she would run around in circles and squeak and flap and then go and do it again. It was so cute, she also said Hi when I got there, then when I put her back in her room, she started saying it over and over again, like she was saying, look mom I can talk, dont go! I can't wait to get her home and start to play more. Do you have dogs Hanna? How did you introduce Juji to hanging upside down. Teluhla loves to have her belly scratched, but I would love to be able to have her on her back so she can have a better scratch!

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Yup, we have 3 dogs and 3 cats. They are all doing very well with the bird...of coarse I don't trust the big dogs at all :) and don't leave them alone with the bird for a moment, but they are doing very well when I am around.


As far as hanging upside down, I just gently picked her up and put her on her back. Her feet were already on my fingers so I just gently lowered the hand behind her back and let her feel her weight on her feet.


Oh, btw Juji flew for the first time today. Can't land yet. Freaked me out a little, but she is fine and as bold as ever. She also wore her flight suit for the first time. YAY! I know it says to go through this week long adjustment period, but she's been so open to other things, I thought I would try it, and she did great. :)

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Have you played the towel game with her yet? Play peek a boo while covering her slightly with a towel more and more. this will get her used to toweling should she ever need to be toweled. Good for you to get her in a flight suit! I have no hope of mine wearing such a thing as they would both freak.

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