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me and my baby


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Hello all.

My baby girl Teluhla is still at the pet store. She is sooo cute I can't wait for her to come home. She is 10 weeks old and has started being very picky about her food, she really only wants to play with her formula and wont eat more than about 20 or 30 cc's twice a day. Last night I tried to feed her and after about five minutes I got her a little bowl of pellets and seeds and she seemed to be much more interested in that then the formula. She really only chews stuff up and never really seems to be getting full, her crop isn't full like it used to be when she would eat her full 60cc's. I am new to the bird world and sometimes when I am visiting her I don't really know what to do with her. I hold her and pet her and cuddle her but I am nervouse about playing with her because I don't want to hurt her. How do you all play with your birds, when should I expect her to be able to come home. We have three dogs at our house, one is a big boxer, how should I plan on introducing them to eachother? I have a million questions about her and I just want to be a really good mommy and I want her to be happy. Any suggestions on being a good bird mommy would be greatly appreciated. Thanks-Aly

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Sounds like Teluhla is ready to wean. It's a good sign that she is so interested in the food.


As fas as play, I was so surprised at how much my new baby wanted to play. They are really a lot more robust then you think. Mine is already letting me hang her upside down on my fingers, and loves tickles.


We also have three dogs and three cats and I was nervous, but apparently for no reason. The little dog barked a little, then got over it. She comes close to me, even when the bird is around, and doesn't seem to care one bit.


The two big dogs made me the most nervous, but I just made sure Juji was in her cage for the first intro last night. Today, I left the top of her cage open, and she came out on her own, and the dogs looked, but didn't do much. Our Brittany jumped on me while I was holding Juji, and that startled me, but I just told her sit stay, and she calmed down. Then I had the idea of giving them treats while infront of the bird cage for good behavior, and they totally forgot about the bird and focused on the treats. Within the hour the dogs were sleeping on the floor and didn't even respond to Juji's peeps.


I wish you the best. Keep asking questions.



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