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Juji's first day


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So now that my baby grey is actually home, my post #'s are gonna soar. :)


Juji arrived yesterday, with her breeder Keith, at 3:30. As soon as Keith brought Juji in, he handed her too me, and I was in love. She (I'm saying she b/c it's nicer than "it" and Keith is 90% sure it is a girl) began to cuddle under my chin instantly and wasn't showing any signs of anxiety.


After talking with Keith for a while, he headed off for MN and left me with my new precious jewel. I was nervous at first. It's been a long time, but my bird instincts kicked in quickly.


I tried to put Juji in her cage, but soon realized that I just wasn't ready to do that yet. So we sat on the couch and cuddled for about an hour before I finally let Juj settle into her new home.


Lots of cuddles and sunflower seeds later, it was time to say goodnight. What an amazing day.


Today, more cuddles, and lots more chirping from Juj. She was so quiet yesterday.


Thanks to all who have been rooting for me. :) And thanks in advance for putting up with my many posts and questions.


Love to all,



ps. Tonight, the hubby meets Juji for the first time. He's never been around a larger bird....:)

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Awww, what a touching first meeting. :-)


It's great to hear that Juji settled right into some cuddles and snacks right off the bat. I'll bet you were relieved.


We'll your hubby is in for a treat then and I'm sure he can't wait to see Juji either.!!

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