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going on holiday. ( or not?)


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  • 3 months later...

Okay, the big day has nearly arrived! Sunny Ibiza for 2 weeks on Friday! Sorry guys and gals just couldnt do it:( We tried the neighbour coming in to see Charlie since January and it just hasnt worked. He still growls and shakes when she comes in now. I couldnt go away and settle, I would have been worried sick! Call me a big softie, call me mad! Everyone else has ( and have lost a couple of friends because of this as well ) So my hubby is going off with my son and you guys will have me for 2 weeks sipping a cocktail, pretending Im on a sunny beach somewhere. I wish you all lived nearer :(

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Caroline i fully understand your decision even tho many wouldnt.I also know the heartache this has caused you, personally you have made the decision which is right for you, Charlie & keeko & i applaud you for that,Had we lived closer then you would have been going to Ibiza Friday ;)

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Caroline I am so sorry you are not going on the holiday with your hubby and son but that is your decision and I support you in that and if I lived close by I would have watched out for those two so you could go and enjoy yourself. But hey, look on the bright side, now we have the pleasure of your company here so you won't get lonely, Tracy and I won't let that happen will we!!;)

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Caroline, you and your birdies can have a little holiday together and spend lots of quality time. I haven't left Lyric for an overnight trip once since he was born (he'll be 2 in August). Long time with no vacation but I am worried if I leave him he will be so bored and lonely and start to feather pick. I'm the only one who handles him, takes him out and cooks for him. I can totally relate to the way you feel. Our birds are so special to us and people that don't have them just couldn't understand that bond. We will all be here to keep you company as well so please don't fret!

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I'm sorry you had to cancel but you know what I would have done the same thing. No one would do what I do for my birds. They are used to being out from 8am when I open their cages until 8pm when I put them to bed. I work three nights a week. from 5pm til 11pm so the most they ever have to be in their cages is 3 hours. I couldn't even imagine what it would be like for them to be locked in there cages for a week or two. They are all rescues and came to me in bad shape. They have been cage bound for to many years of their lives all ready I could never put them back into that situation even for a day. I would be too afaid they would feel like I left them and the're back where they were before I got them. they would all have to come with me. or I;ll just stay home. I don't need to go away. if it means that my babys will be unhappy. They are everything to me so I know how you feel about Charlie os bird people must have bird brains I think sometimesLOL



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I would like to thank you all for making me feel better in myself. I have lost two non bird friends because of this holiday. ( A group of us had booked to go ) and they have made me feel pretty bad! They cannot understand the bond I have with my birds, they are my companions and in my thoughts day and night! When I come on here every day I feel like you are all my good friends because you all understand and love your birds as much as I do. So a big thankyou to everyone and a special thankyou to Tracy for listening to me going on about this for months. Caroline xxx:kiss:

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Well who else but us bird friends would understand how you feel and if you lost a couple of friends because you wouldn't go then they could not have been much of friends to do that to you. Don't you worry Caroline, we love you unconditionally because of the birds.:)


That Tracy is a good woman isn't she:kiss:

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2 weeks is a very long time to leave them, especially with Keeko being so young. The longest I have left them for is a week, and that was with my husband and kids still here. I cant imagine going away for 2 weeks without them.

I think most of us completely understand why you decided not to go. Its a pity about the holiday, but it really can't be helped. Ask your friends whether they would be happy to leave their children alone in a cage for 2 weeks with only a stranger to come stuff food in at them once a day.....

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People who don't have birds , just don't understand .That is sad , about these friends.Maybe they will understand later.You have to do whats in your heart .As I said in an earlier post , I have backed out before also , I totally understand and don't blame you at all.


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  • 11 months later...

i have just read all these posts as im am now in the same boat. monty will be 17 months in spetember when we go away for a week adn i am already worried about what to do with him. i have already booked him in the pet shop like casper did at first, but im really worried will he be ok? monty is a fully flighted, out of the cage bird for at lest 10-14hours every day, more at wk ends and we have never left him in the time we've had him. i know he will hate been in a cage for a week 24/7 at the shop. i could leave him here and trust to my 2 kids feeding and watering him, in his own very large cage in his own enviroment, but they are 18 and 21 and will probably have a house full of mates with the load music, so im stuck as for what to do.. monty has seen all these mates and heard the loud music before when in his cage but we're are usually right there and so the kids tend not to get too out of hand, but while we're away who knows?

do u guys think monty will be better of at home, which may calm the kids a little because he's here or would u go for the pet shop option?it really worries me and we nearly didnt go away this year at all purley because of monty but then i realised he's gonna be here a long time and to never have any more holidays just isnt fair on us.

thanks in advance x

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another thing is that monty usually bites the kids.. :whistle: ...so they wouldnt be having him out, would this be cruel when he can see all his toys and climbing things in the next room but to be able to get to them... should i start now giving him more cage time in readyness for september??

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I would defenitly leave him home with the kids they are old enough to take care of him. Does Monty go back to his cage on his own at bedtime or do you have to take him to his cage and put him init? Is he perch trained? I'm just asking these questions because when its bed time for the birds at my house all I have to do is say ok its nite nite time and all of my birds scurry into their cages and wait for my to come and cive them their kiss goodnite and a little scritch. before I cover them. Or if he is perch trained then mabie if he doesn't go to his cage on his own mabie the kids could step him up onto a perch and put him to bed and that way while you are gone Monty could mabie have some out of cage time. mabie not as much as he is used to but some at least. If he doesn't do either of these 2 thing mabie you could start teaching him so when your gone he is prepared and won't have to be locked up 24/7. but I definatly wouldn't board him in a pet store if there is an option for him to be home in familer ground even if he does have to stay in his cage.

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I would definetly keep Monty at home.


He is in familiar surroundings and even though he may bite the kids, he knows who they are and will be fed and looked after by people he knows.


I managed to go away for a week last year with the kids and left my husband Dave looking after the birds, they had to stay in their cages as he cant get them back in.


Yes they were fed up but I felt happier knowing they were with someone they knew in their own home.


Its difficult, we wont be able to go away together again well, not until the kids are old enough to look after the birds but I just wouldnt leave them with anyone else.


Let us know what you decide Di, do what feels right for you.

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thanks guys for the replys... monty has a very large cage which is down stairs and he goes in this at 2.30 untill 5.30 when hubby comes home. his sleep cage is in our bedroom. my daughter is the one who monty will let handle and when we go out for odd evening she manages to get him in his cage ( in one piece :whistle: ). he isnt perch trained as he always flies off when he goes near his cage. i think he spends so much time out that he just doesnt want to go back in.also he never climbs volentry into his cage. he sits every night on the back of the chair saying bo bo's time but when we take him up he will fly off (given the chance) to the top of the door. so we put one hand over his wings and he goes in usually without too much fuss and settles down right away, grinding his beak :P well thats after he's sat for 5 minutes with his beak poking through the bars having lots of kisses :kiss: :woohoo: i think i will feel much better going away knowing he is at home, and if i start letting my daughter put him to bed from now until september he and she will be used to it.

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These vacations (which are supposed to be a time of relaxation and fun for us!) can turn out to be a real headache by the time we get done worrying and planning for our fids. I suggest you leave him in his bigger cage- he may get less sleep but that way he'll be safe and have more room to move about.

I know I'm one to talk though, I haven't left Lyric for a vacation overnight since he was hatched. I keep thinking one of these days I will and I'm sure he'll be fine, but I'm such a worrier and only want what is best for the animals! I hope you have fun on your upcoming vacation Di.;)

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We just returned from a four day trip to Atlanta. I left my mom in charge of the fids and pugs, and even though I worried terribly, everything worked out fine. Dixie refused to come out of her cage at all even though she is very familiar with mom. I guess she knew I wasn't home and that things were a little different.


Dixie did talk to mom on the second day of our trip after mom put the phone on speaker and I talked to her that way. By this morning she was talking with mom without me being on the phone and eager to see her. She never did come out of the cage however.


As soon as I got home, I was covered in CAG love!! I think she spent five full minutes hanging upside down in her cage and rubbing her head all over my hand and moving her beak up and down each of my fingers. When she was content, she immediately stepped up, and then it was time for kisses. Then it was time for her play stand and happy as can be and has been for the last hour - that's how long we've been home!


I was very concerned about leaving her, not that mom couldn't take care of her, but not being with her and the time she would spend in her cage. She seems none the worse for wear, very happy that all in her world is back to normal and good!


I believe that our fids and pets are happier at home with less stress, even if their outings are limited.

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thanks guys im much more settled now at leaving monty at home, im sure he'll be fine... just one last little quiestion:whistle:




monty never poops in any of his cages as he spends so much time out them. he waits till morning for his BOMB!!!:P and waits until some get him out after work before doing his poop, i was just wondering, will he be ok and realise, probably when he is desperate, that it's ok to to poop in his cage? i have never told him not to poop in his cage he just chooses not too and im a little worried, hoping he won't make himself ill...


thanks in advance.......

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He will go when he needs to Di.


One of my greys is was the same, I didnt work for a while and he only used to poop outside the cage when he came out. Now I have returned to work he has gone for a poop by the time I get back at lunchtime.


He dosent like to poop in his own cage but will quite happily go in the other two's:laugh:


Hopefully you can start to relax and look forward to your holiday now, I think they are more of a worry than our kids dont you?:)

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