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going on holiday. ( or not?)


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We have a holiday booked for the beg of June for two weeks and I am so worried about leaving Charlie! I have no one to house sit for him who could take care of him.The only option I have is to have him board at the local pet store which I dont want to do because I know he would be really scared and he wont go in carrier to get him there. Should I cancel my holiday? Please help if anyone has come across this problem.I dont want to come back to a frightened and phobic bird just for the sake of going away for two weeks.:(

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My reply to you is easy. You have a life, spend it with all the life you have within you. The bird is a bird that you love, but he is a bird. He is not human and doesn't feel as you do because he has a small mind. Again, he is a Bird. I know you feel the way we all feel about our birds, but he is a part of your life, not your life. I beg you to remember he is going to be ok, and will love you when you come back, more then ever. This is only one mans opion, but I know life is for the living, and we only get one chance. I'm 61 yrs old and someone will get my birds when I'm gone. They will live on, and have more years to follow.




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Joe is right, you cannot cancel your vacation and holiday time just because you have a bird or birds. Everyone needs time away from home to enjoy life and all it offers, some kind of arrangements should be made to accomodate that be it somewhere for it to stay while you are gone or someone to come in and take care of it while you are away.

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i second joe on that...you cant cancel every plan


have you looked over at craigslist..your local classifieds? Vet...they have pet sitters all over our newpapers..just look around or tell me your location and ill help theres soo many pet sitters out there i baby sat our neighbours cat when she was away for christmas...infact during holidays...christmas or summer holidays that is...you are bound to see hundreds of qualified professionals who baby sit pets for a living and have refrences too..ask your neighbours, friends or family members 2 weeks is not a long time.. and your parrot will be so excited when you come back...

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Worst case scenario... do you have a neighbour or friend who could call in once a day and change water and food? Charlie wont be too happy being stuck in a cage for 2 weeks, but at least he will be at home rather than in a pet shop!


I havent left for 2 weeks yet, but for long weekends that is what I do with my greys.


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The only other option is to get my neighbour to call in a few times a day. she is willing to do this for me and could possibly get someone to stay overnight who charlie is not familiar with. He would be on his own most of the time though and I know he wouldnt be happy.Do you think it would be better to do this than send him to pet shop? Either way I think I will come ack to a very sulky bird.All my friends think I am mad.I am sick of people saying its only a bird.I know you all understand.:unsure:

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Yes, having the neighbor look in on Charlie is MUCH better than a pet-shop environment. He will be in his Cage, home and familiar surroundings. You have 6 months from now to have your neighbor come over and visit with Charlie and become acquainted with him.


This will do 2 things, charlie will not feel abandoned completely and He will not be thrust out into a strange, scary and noisy environment like a pet-shop.


One other option you have, would be to take Charlie on vacation with you. :-) That may not be an option, but I thought I would just throw that thought out there as well. They love traveling (most anyway) and then have the feeling of being with their flock on a "Run". :-)

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It sounds like you have plenty of time to make sufficient preparation. I agree that leaving Charlie at home in his cage would be the best option if possible. To give an example, we have had Kip for just over a year now and in that time we have gone away 3 times already. First for 6 days to Hawaii, then for 2 weeks to Europe and recently for 5 days to go skiing. Plus we are going away this coming week for another trip to the snow...We are fortunate that we have a friend who likes/knows birds and is happy to stop by each day (and/or house sit) for us. Kip has been FINE on each occassion. So, I think with a little planning you should be able to get things in order so you can go and enjoy your trip and not worry about your baby! ;) The sooner you start familiarizing Charlie with the neighbor or care taker the better. Also, getting the bird used to you leaving from time to time is a good thing so it becomes more natural and less stressful for all. B)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi everyone. Thought I would give you an update on the holiday plans. Told family and friends that I couldnt go away! this has caused a few probs as you can imagine :ohmy: Anyway I have decided today that I will just go out for a week, the rest of the group will still go for two. Just booked seperate flight and guess what day its on? Friday the 13th! I have never flown on my own before either :woohoo: Its all gonna be a new experience for me as well. Charlie is going to stay at home with neighbour calling in through day and a friend will be staying at night. They dont have much bird experience but its the best I can do. Do you all think I have done the right thing and will he be ok for a week? :unsure:<br><br>Post edited by: casper, at: 2008/02/21 14:22

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I'm sorry you felt that you had to shorten your plans, if the neighbors can handle one week they could handle two weeks just as easily but the decision is yours to make of course.


You must be flying out on my birthday since it is the only Friday the 13th of the whole year, don't let it bother you, it is just another day of the year, nothing bad is going to happen.


He will be fine for a week, heck he will be fine for two weeks too, I bet it is you that will be missing him more than him missing you, am I right or what!!!

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How old is Charlie? I usually phone home while I am away and my friend puts the phone on speaker. It is really funny hearing my birds talk to me on the phone. (It is even funnier if anyone hears you talking because they assume you are talking to a young child:P )

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I knew I could count on both of you for good advice :) And yes Judygram this boy has got me doing anything and everything! Cant believe you could love something so much! Feel sorry for the kids though. With my husband looking after them for the first time on his own until I get there, they will prob end up dehydrated with severe sunburn! :ohmy:

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You have just reminded me of a funny story about loving greys more than your kids....


I came home one day from town and said "Hello Baby girl", my youngest daughter says "Hi Mam" but I didnt hear her. I said "Did you miss me?" My youngest says "yes", I said "have you got any kisses?" And my youngest says "Mam, are you talking to the bird?"



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Oh you sound just like me! Charlie is 9 months now and even though I have my kids and other animals he has completly taken over our routine and lifestyle. None of my fiends understand as they are not animal lovers at all! The first thing I do on a morn is see Charlie, when I get home, before I go to bed...... You get the picture! This holiday has stressed me to the max as its the first time we have booked to go with a group of friends as well as family. Everyone couldnt believe I would let my kids go without me but YOu have to go with your heart. Going for just the one week is a comprimise for everyone. Just a shame about the date I am flying but never mind. Good idea about ringing home :)

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Casper...Charlie will be just fine no matter what you choose to do. I had the same issues last August. But I was going away for 4 weeks. I had only had my bird for a few months at that time. I was really worried about leaving her because her prior owner had died and I didn't want her to feel abandon for a second time. After several posting here and again everyone telling me that she would be fine I decided to board her. The worst thing that happened to her was everyone in the store fell in love with her and wanted to keep her....She loved it there...I called the shop several times during my time away to check on her...Always being told she is having a great time with all the other birds....So relax Charlie will be just fine wherever you put her....Deby:cheer:

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Two cents, here -

I left Klaus while I went on a cruise. I was gone 5 days. He stayed home with my husband and son. He doesn't like the husband & son much, but tolerates them. Klaus was fine when I got home. I opened his cage and he climbed right up on me as though I'd never left!

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