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New Grey Mommie!

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I have wanted a Grey my whole life and recently adopted a TAG. I am so excited!! I of course had to go the more difficult route and adopted a youngster. Her name is Greyce, I am told she is 18 months old and I am her thrid home. I got Greyce last Saturday, I am unable to handle her and she is a bit cage aggressive. But, we are working on it, letting her set the pace.


I also have a German Shepherd, Dakota who won't let the cat near Greyce's cage and now seems to prefer to sleep next to Greyce's cage than with me. I have a 2.5 lb Chihuahua, Lily who thinks Greyce is the best thing since sliced bread!! No one else just randomly throws food her way, she is tickled pink about the whole thing! I also have a cat, Goblin who has learned that Dakota will chase him if he comes within 20 feet of Greyce's cage...he has lost all interest. I was a vet tech for 6 years, the first 2 years were in a multi practice, where I worked mostly with the vet that also did avian. This is my first bird as an adult, we had parakeets when I was a child.<br><br>Post edited by: Shamelessmuse, at: 2008/01/25 19:12

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welcome to the fourm Shamelessmuse ..lol love the name i think your doing the right thing by letting it settle first and set its on pace..i am more than sure greyce will pick up on you not being a threat but it might take a while ''being moved around for three times'' really kudos for you on resucing the poor bird and looking around to see you more often in the fourm ..ask away any questions people here are so nice youll feel right at home...also u should post a pic of grecye we'd love to see it :lol:

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Welcome Greyce:

Many new changes are have taken place for you recently. First we have to regain our feeling of security. Your cage is your safe place with the door closed. This allows you to watch the new comings and goings and get acquainted with the new members of your family. Eventually you may feel comfortable having your door opened for a while, and after a few days of this you will get too curious and venture out to the top of the door. Feeling good now aren't we. After time you will want more and then the new family member you pick out as your favorite (which you will probably do) might start offering their hand for you to step up on. This is great because you now have a way to go exploring other parts of your home with the security of you favorite person.

Don't feel like you have to rush any of this. The family members will give you the space you need and progress at your pace.

Enjoy your new life. Sounds like you've finally found your permanent home.

Later from Alaska

Bruce & Mazy

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Hello Shamelessmuse and welcome to the family, glad you could join us and I know you are going to love it here.


I hope this will be Greyce's final home, she has been thru enough with several owners already and she needs the stability of a good and loving home. It sounds like that is exactly what you are offering her and I know she will eventually reward you for your hard work.


Keep working with her, sitting near her and talking to her and offering treats and with lots of time and patience she will come around. You can't blame her for her reluctance to allow you to handle her, it will take time for her to trust you, but she will.


Please read thru the many threads on various topics for lots of useful information and do not hesitate to ask specific questions. We do our best to get you an answer and help you in any way we can.


If you have some pictures of Greyce you would like to share with us we would love to see her.


BTW, I think Greyce is a lovely sounding name for a grey.:)

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Welcome Shamelessmuse!!


What a wonderful way to fulfill your long time desire to have a Grey. He is still young at 18 months and after adjusting to his new home and family will settle in and become his real self. :-)


Congratulations on your new Grey and deciding to adopt.

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welcome and congrats on reaching your dream... i too have the same dream, i am on a waiting list now so for know I am sitting back and enjoying everyone's stories ... look forward to hearing how well Greyce re adjusts to her new family it sounds like a real fun home to be a part of and I love the names you choose... good luck and keep us posted :)

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