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New Member - New Grey


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I am a new member looking for information. We have a 10 year old Quaker REMO. We have 4 dogs, 1 cat, 6 snakes, 2 spiders, scorpions, fish... and whatever else decides to live at our house


Three days ago we adopted a 7 year old Grey in desperate need of love. His first home he was kept in a cage about the size of a shoe box and was used for breeding. The last home I adopted him from had him in a much bigger cage but he had no toys, no perches & no one has ever held him. The big issue is that he is totally blind. Looking on the internet I can't find ANY information about dealing with a blind bird. I have an appointment for the 2nd of Febuary to see my avian vet to have him checked out and to see if anything can be done (I doubt it). If any one has ANY advice for me I would love to hear it.


He is responding very well and started talking the first night I brought him home. New perches were put in his cage and the next day I hung a few toys inside. He explores everything and loves to play with the new toys. I've started petting him with one of his feathers and saying TOUCH every time I'm about to pet him. Everyday he is trusting me more and more. New Food is still a problem his diet has been mostly seed and peanuts.


We also need a name for him. I wanted to name him RAY (ray charles) but not evey one agrees. Any suggestions???

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I love the name Ray for him...thats sooo cute.


Well, all I can say is GOOD FOR YOU! Taking on an abused, blind grey isn't for the weak and you seem to be handling it with flying colors. From what you have said it sounds like he knows that he is in a safe, loving home and for him to let you touch him shows that...esp. because he is blind and can't see you coming. Saying TOUCH right before is a genius idea. When it comes to the food take it slow, changing a seed junkies diet is normally the most difficult. I would try giving him the Zupreem friut pellets or weaning pellets because theu have a strong smell to them and because your grey is blind and can't see the pretty colors the smell is what is going to catch his interest. Also try strong smelling fresh foods. Taking him to the vet is deffenently a must, and you have that covered already.


Keep us posted on how he is doing...I'm already hooked on his story!

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Karma to you BMustee. That was a great idea about the toys with different textures and sound. SheilaS is warms my heart that you have such a fondness for all the animals in your home. Especially the new addition. I am a sucker for greys! Best wishes to you and to new new grey. I personally like the name ray but that may be bias since my husband and one of my son's name is Ray.

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Thanks Woody6!


You could name him Rey...because gRAY is spelled gREY when used for the parrot.


Here are some other blind names I thought of...


Braille - inventor of braille

Degas - French painter

Stevie (Wonder) - American singer and composer

(Helen) Keller - American author and philanthropist<br><br>Post edited by: BMustee, at: 2008/01/25 22:26

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I got him a rope toy with a bell, Foot toys with Bells and other toys with BELLS!!! Hopefully he doesn't start singing songs from The Hunchback of Notre Dame! He also got an acrylic toy that has rings on a slide.


I LOVE the spelling of Rey! You are so smart BMustee!

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LOL...My Elmo (10 month old CAG) loves bells! He has this toy that I call the "triple threat ducky" that he LOVES! It's 3 rubber duckies each at the end of it's own chain with a bell at the bottom with one ducky at the top connecting the three. It's funny, he always chews the heads off first, and then goes for the bodies...imagine a toy covered in decapitated ducks LOL!!!


Ohhh shucks...your so nice! :laugh:

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hi there Sheila and so glad you came here! Wow - you are a super woman! Bright blessings to you for making your heart and home available to this poor little fellow. BMustee certainly had a great idea there with Rey.... Look forward to reading your posts.




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Hi, Sheila!

You got my karma for tonight, hands down. What a touching story, and your bird sounds like an absolute sweetheart after all he's been through.

Love the names "Rey" and also "Stevie." Probably because I love-love-love both of their music!

Look forward to hearing more from you...

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Hello SheilaS and welcome to the family, glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and this precious grey you have adopted.


What a wondersful story, you must be an amazing woman to be able to open your heart for such a special creature, not many people could take on such an enormous task as you have chosen. This grey has many problems and obstacles to overcome but with your love and devotion I am sure he will live happy and content for a long time.


How sad that he had to endure such hardships as he has had, living in such conditions, not being held or handled and having to subsist on an improper diet. I am glad that he is responding well to your love and attention.


Please read thru the many threads on various topics for lots of useful information and ask specific questions if you have any. We will do our best to get you some answers and help you in any way we can.


If you have some pictures of him you would like to share with us we would love to see him.


BTW, I like the name Ray also and please do keep us updated on him, we do care.:)

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Welcome Sheila!!


What a wonderful thing to do. Taking in a rescue like that is no small task, much less one that is sight impaired.


Many have given great advice. It will be interesting to see how you develop the relationship with "Rey" B) and what you find that stimulates and amuses him.


Do you have anyway of knowing how "Blind" he is? Does he seem to atleast see light or shadows or is he totally blind?


It's wonderful of you to get him straight into a vet to see if there is anything that can be done to help the poor guy.


Again Welcome!!

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Karma to you for taking on such a task. I too just rescued a Grey, she is a bit younger...but I am her third home in what looks to be panning out to be 3 months.


Blind is a whole diffrent task. My suggestions would be to always tell him what you are doing. IE. If you are going to touch him, lable each type of touch. You are already saying touch, but come up with more specific labels so he know exactly what is coming. He will then learn to expect a certain sensation with each lable. Not, that you are there yet...but always make sure to do that. It will certainly reassure him,


I agree that diffrent textures and sounds will be important for toys. Another thing that will be very important is the general cage layout. Decide where the perches are going to go and no matter how many times you change them out, always put them in the same place. He is going to at some point memorize his cage layout and if you move things it will be very scary to him. Same things with toys. Make sure they are in a place that does not impreed travel about the cage, does not block the path on a perch, ect. Then again, no matter how many times you change toys...always put them in the same place. Spatial relations is going to be a big thing for him.


Oh, and around 2 weeks after you get him. There is a very good chance he is going to get grumpy on you, he will be testing you basically. Stick to the routine, don't let him deter you and everything will be fine!!


Good luck!!

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