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I am the proud first time mommy of a nine week old little girl cag. She still is being weened so I am anxiously waiting to get to have her with me whenever I want. I go and visit her everyday at the store where she lives and I even get to help feed her and play with her every day. She already is learning how to step up, she just is still pretty wobbly! It is so cute!!!!

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Hi and Welcome to our family I know how excited you must be. It's great that you are able to go and visit her daily. That will make the transition to her new home so much easier. Please keep us updated, and take pictures to post. We love to see them. :)

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Welcome Teluhlasmom!!!


Awww, they are so cute and needful at that age. It is wonderful that you are able to see her everyday and take part in the feedings and interact with her.


Has she been DNA tested already? Just asking, because that is the only way to know the sex for certain.


Enjoy that wobbly baby and watch it grow into the beautiful and highly intelligent creature it is. :-)

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Welcome from Alaska:

You're about to enter a new exciting life. A bond forever is taking place . Be slow, be patient, and maintain a secure feeling for your new friend and life will be good. Look forward to the big day , keep us posted.

Bruce & Mazy

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Hello Teluhlasmom and welcome to the family, glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and your new grey.


I know you are anxiously awaiting the time when you can bring this little one home and I can imagine your excitement, I remember when I brought mime home. You are lucky that you are close enough to visit with her every day, that will help a lot to build the trust that leads to bonding with her.


Please read thru the threads for lots of useful information on all sorts of grey topics and do not hesitate to ask specific questions you may have. We will do our best to get you an answer and help you in any way we can.


When you can get some pictures of your baby we would love to see her if you would share them with us.

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