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Your kick the bucket list


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I have been thinking about this ever since I seen the ads for the movie. No I have not seen it yet I don't go to the movie theater anymore.

But this has been on my mind. Funny but mine is very short. lol


I wanted to stick to things I wanted to do. Not have.


1. Go to Yellowstone park is a biggie for me.

2. Visit every state in the US by RV would be fun for me too.

3. This one is kind of a have but sort of not I would love to have a dog I could win lots of obedience competitions with. I think doing something like that would be so much fun.


And well thats it. lol Guess Im easy.


Whats your list of things you would like to do not own before you die?<br><br>Post edited by: Tari, at: 2008/01/24 20:53

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Wait here I am!

I could go on and on (of course) but I would like to see Boston, Massachusetts and Savannah, Georgia. Key West, Florida too (going there in February! Check!).

I want to see my son grow up to be a responsible and caring human being.

I want the garden of my dreams and time to grow it and care for it (that'll come with retirement I think). This is selfish, but I'd like to go to a spa once and get pampered (massage, facial, make up and hair done - make me fabulous, dahling!). That's a few...If I sat here long enough, I'm sure I could come up with more! Oh, I want to see the opera "Carmen."

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Im here too :P


Well i want to return to NYC it's my favourite place of all time,


I'd like to build an outdoor flight for my greys for the summertime


& i want to live long enough to enjoy my grandkids when my daughter or son gives them to me


Thats it really, i dont want much :)

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1) Scuba diving on the Great Barrier Reef

2) 2-3 week vacation taking in the entire country of Chile (South to North).

3) African Safari ending with a jaunt up Mt. Kilimanjaro.

4) See my husband perform on stage in an opera...he's a tenor! (He started this interest a few years ago and now works with various coaches 5-6 times per week). I would be so happy to see him accomplish his dream.

5) I'm with you guys on seeing the kids grow up to be great adults and parents.


Laurie - have a blast in the Keys! My dad lives on Big Pine. We love it down there! Key West is awesome for people watching and everyone is very friendly.



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Tari, I love this thread!


I would like to do the following:


1. Vacation in Hawaii....


2. Vacation in Bermuda....


3. Be with my soul mate for the remainder of my time

here on this earth.


4. Spend every day like it was my last.


5. Be happy and free from personal turmoil.


6. Be left alone to live my life as I desire with no

guilt trips from anyone.


7. And last, but not certainly not least.

Live a long and healthy life to see my 4 kids grow

up, and live their lives to the fullest and be

happy productive adults in all they choose to do.


OMG! I really could keep going. I guess there is a lot left for me to do..........:ohmy:

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Great thread Tari - I started my Bucket list the minute I saw the movie ad too :-)


Just a few of them:


1) Go to Africa for 2 Months.


2) Return to Austrailia for 1 Month.


3) Take a 3 week cruise to Alaska.


4) Climb Mt. Whitney and the walk the entire John Muir Trail in the Seirra Nevada's.


5) Hit Hawaii again and visit all isalnds, then on to Samoa, then all fiji's etc.


6) Tour Europe again for 3 months


7) Go up on the Space Shuttle for a week


8) Go out in a Nuke Sub for a week


9) Fly in a Stealth Fighter


10 and up ..........EVERYTHING!!!!!

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Here is my list...


1. Want to grow old with my husband, and someday own the house we are in.


2. Make differance in the lives of animals, rather it be fostering, or signing something to help animals. Does not matter


3. Let all my animals live happy, healthy lives, and hopefully live out long life as well.


4. To travel, go to Egypt(since wanted to go there seen I was very little), go to Austrila, go to disney world, go to yellowstone national park, hersey PA, see many zoos.


5. To decorate in the bedroom, bird room, kitchen, and living room


6. learn new things each day


7. Do new things... like go in air ballon,and try out scuba driving or snorkling.


8. to see friends and family as much as I can

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  • 11 months later...

Great thread..

I would personally love to

1. Begin a hypnotherapy course..much longed for

2. clear any oustanding debts before the credit crunch

hits us any harder

3. Be able to stroke Elvis my grey without him having

a heart attack during the process

4. Return to Tuscany in the summer

5. Move to France, grow my own veg and drink copious amounts of "plonk"

6. never have to walk in on my boss on the loo ever again:woohoo:

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Hayley,great you revived this thread.


I love the thought of you walking in on your boss.


It looks like you Caroline and myself have a love for the wine.


I would love to go to Africa again


have a horse again


not have to work


oh well we can all dream<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2009/01/02 23:39

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