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Regression question


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I've been trying to get to the bottom of Monte's behavioural problems, and I've came to the conclusion that it must be regression. When he comes out he has very little if any interest in his toys or playing, all he wants to do is sit on my lap and snuggle. Although it is very cute, I fear that it may be enforcing bad behaviour. When he's out he also basically just squawks like a baby pretty much the whole time. So my question is if he is regressing, what do I do to try and help? Should I stop letting him on my lap to snuggle? Please any help/advise would be greatly appreciated.


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I agree with Tari, you have developed a very close bond with him. Let him be a child that wants to be with a flock member he loves deeply and enjoys the security of closeness.


He will grow out of that as he matures and his natural confidence and individuality grow. :-)

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