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Hello, I am looking into adopting a grey and I have a lot of questions, I dont want to do the wrong thing, I would love an african grey, they are my most favorite parrots (my dream bird) But I am thinking about the grey and what would be best for it....


Anyone who can help answer my questions, please reply ASAP!

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How much time do you have to offer your prospective bird? Greys are very social and intelligent birds and need lots of stimulation and interaction. Do you have room for a large cage and lots of toys? Can you afford an avian vet at least once a year and do you have one near you? You must read extensively about the needs of an African Grey and their environment. there are many toxic things that cannot be in their environment such as teflon found in frying pans and space heaters.Their diet is not compliated but time consuming as they need fresh foods as well as a good avian diet.Their food must be pesticide free.There are toxic things they cannot eat such as onions and avacodo. Their living space must be kept very clean as they can get sick easily from mold spores from old food and feces.An African Grey parrot is indeed a dream bird, but not for everyone. Be very sure you can handle the needs of any parrot before purchasing. And finally, please please DO NOT purchase from a pet shop. Find a reputable breeder who can help you with your new bird who may also have a suitable bird needing to be rehomed. There are so many birds who are looking for new homes because their owners did not know what they were in for.If you do get a young bird , it must be weaned before you bring it home. Good luck with your search and good for you researching BEFORE you get your bird!

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I have a cockatiel and a lovebird, so i know the basics, but I need help making a decision, I also have a dog, and he is like my baby, I dont want him to suffer from getting less attention, but he really like the birds I have now, when I give them attention, I just include him in on it, not just leave him out

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Hello and welcome to the family, Tikitimer, glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and this bird you are getting.


You do as much reading and researching as possible before you make your decision, owning a grey is a lifetime committment so be sure this is what you want before you purchase. Birdgranna gave you some excellent tips about where to purchase and such.


Please read thru as many of the threads here as possible for lots of helpful information and do not hesitate to ask specific questions, we will do our best to get an answer and help you in any way we can.


A grey can get along with other animals, most of us have other pets besides other birds and keep the harmony in the household, just be sure to supervise any out of cage time with the dog present.


You know that adopting an older bird is not like getting a baby, more than likely it will come with baggage that may be hard to deal with, but with the extra time and lots of patience a rehomed grey can become an excellent companion.

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