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Who has the most spoiled bird ever?


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Lilo has a cage that people called a "mansion" that he hardly goes in. He has a ton of toys but his favort chew toy is my leather computer chair... I work at home most of the time so he doesn't get much cage time. When we have to leave him alone in the house..we turn on the tv to a cartoon channel so he doesn't get bored. We also rearranged the furnitures to make sure his cage is in the best position of the windows, tv etc.. When he flys around in the house, he likes to hang out on top of each door, so we made hooks to hang some toys and placed small bowls on top of the doors so he can have some water and some food on top of each doors..Not to mention each meal time he doesnt care what is on the table but only what is in your mouth lol..


I guess what we do for our baby, feels natural to us like its something we are suppose to do. But to non parrot owners ..they look at me like I m nuts lol...

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Oh yes, my babies also have a mansion and at least 3 different play stands (one store bought, two I made myself), we always leave the TV on for them if no one is home, but usually someone is home for them.


My only regret (well two now)...the first one is that the breeder insisted on clipping their wings because of the distance we had to travel (for the birds safety and ours for not losing it). The second I did not think about until reading this article...If something were to happen to me, that does scare me now..

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Right Judygram - as if I believe that!


My Darcy is a spoiled boy -- He has his own room with a double Macaw cage, his own TV/TV stand. A nice radio/CD player, a little room heater and humidifier. For when I'm home, he's out in the LR with his playstand. In the AM, he goes to the bathroom with me, has another playstand, but prefers standing on the edge of the shower.


Yep, lots and lots and lots of toys. - I make them and buy lots. I think this is more expensive than sending a child to college.


Every night for 30 minutes before I put him to bed, I put up the dogs, then we cuddle and talk to each other. He's such a ham. He has me well trained :P

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:woohoo: Well folks we think our sparky is the most spoilt bird in the world he gets what he wants like this is a typical day for sparky,gets up when he wants gets his breakfast then gets clean out and have a cup of tea and toast with me in the morning just a little bit,then he gets his apple,banana,grapes fresh seed etc.and then a bath or shower everyday. When he cleans his cage oh dear?.At teatime is a fully sceaming session with him for his 6 chips and anything what we have he is terrible.Always on my shoulder going upstairs or downstairs he is always ther even on the hoover top playing and shouting (I'm here mum come and get me carry me please thank you.He is so spoilt he is my baby friend he gives me such joy and happiness he is a great friend.

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  • 4 months later...

Mesa is spoiled too, but I get such contentment and satisfaction from doing it. Like, at 11:15 PM tonight I made her Quinoa mix for tomorrow after spending hours online reading through recipes etc. to get new ideas. I cook for her everyday, she gets three prepared meals. I bake bread, and make granola for her, and pancakes on the weekends are enjoyed by her as well. I go to the market and buy her a wide variety of fresh veggies and fruit every couple of days. I also tend to take her everywhere I can. If it's not banned, she's coming with me. It is so bad that before I even take my first cup of coffee in the morning, I am preparing her breakfast. I also allow her to eat on the kitchen counter for breakfast, and then spend a good ten minutes cleaning the counter, floor and vicinity after she is done. She is a "mash flinger". Having her eat in her cage would be easier I suppose! No thanks! :silly:

She showers with me or my husband everyday as well.

I also hand make a lot of her toys to make sure she has a lot of variety, and I spend wayyy too many dollars on new bought toys as well. And finally....I am here, aren't I? It is 12:18 a.m! I belong to a few Grey groups to spend huge amounts of my days seeking out more knowlege, more information so I can be an even better Mama! B)<br><br>Post edited by: MrsB, at: 2009/04/12 08:21

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Our Omar and Ozzie are pretty spoiled. I hate to think of parrots that aren't-- they have so much to give when they are loved and spoiled. Mine get brought to the office (we own our own business so that makes it easy)- Omar comes at least four days a week and Ozzie usually around 3 afternoons (he has to come in low doses- he will not behave and stay on his cage like Omar, he just climbs down and gets into stuff- we repair computers and one time he walked down the hall eating the on/off buttons off of all the repaired computers. We had to replace six in all! The other day he ate through a UPS box that had just been delivered and ate the cord to the power adapter that belonged to a surveillance camera we were going to install! I think Ozzie needs his own surveillance camera)


Anyway, they are spoiled with attention and love and they deserve every bit of it!

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*Raising Hand* OMG where do I begin? Ahjari has a Big cage set up, A Playgym still in the box because it's huge We have to put it together,his own webpage on Bird Channel.com, A Air Purifier, I have bags of toys, foraging toys,2 Boings, 3 books on Greys, Bird Talk magazine so I can learn more, A Aviator Harness, A Blue Travel cage, Baby picture frame, 2 BIG containers of Red Palm oil, Catching Breath lol and I am looking for another Travel carrier so I can take him with us when we go to the store and Vet vistis etc I needs something lighter!


Here's The catcher he's NOT even here yet lol :woohoo:

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I just love to see people so excited about their new birds that they have it spoiled before it is even home!

They are little feathered angels and they deserve all the love and attention we can give.

Thanks for sharing all your stories! :)

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I Have the most spoilt baby in the world mabie even the universe she just got the biggest new cage I could find short of buying an aviary and it shine gold so she lives in a golden house that has all kinds of fun stuff in it from swings,boings,foot toys,and foraging toys, Shes only 11 weeks old and still being hand fed but at least when she's old enough she'll have everything she needs to have all the fun she could ever want. her cage is so big she could probubly even fly in it:laugh:

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I think my bird is pretty spoiled. :side:


She gets the same good food we eat, if not sometimes better. We will hand feed her (well through a fork or spoon) because she absolutely loves it, and we always fix a plate for her and let her sit on the table LOL.


She takes showers with us, does everything with us. We NEVER make her spend time in her cage unless nobody is home. She gets soooo many head rubs a day too.


IDK maybe that doesnt sound spoiled but if you saw how good we treat her you might think she's our kid haha. im pretty sure she doesnt think shes a bird and i love it.


i treat her as if she is my daughter.:lol:

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