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Who has the most spoiled bird ever?


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Everyone that knows me and my bird thinks that he is the most spoiled bird ever. I swear that bird has just about every toy known to birds (that I can afford). I sometimes cook special meals just for him. Otherwise I always try to share any bird-safe foods that we are eating with him. He thinks if the rest of us are eating then he must be eating too. Watch out if you don't give him a bite!

He has taken over a small table in my kitchen and that is his favorite place to play when out of the cage. He likes to play with toys in his water bowl and also loves the all time favorite bird game, How many times will you pick this up if I fling it on the floor?

I love spoiling my bird. He is really my small feathered child (that it is legal to lock in a cage and leave for an hour without supervision). The only thing I worry about is if something ever happens to me. I don't think anyone else would give him the attention and level of care that I do. I also don't know what I'll do whenever I have time and money to actually go on a vacation. I may just have to take him with me!

Share your stories with me about what you do to spoil your birdie child. I look forward to reading them! :cheer:

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Harrison has taken over my heart. Being spoiled isn't quite the word I would use...don't laugh but I'm thinking along the lines of 'soul mate'..I never expected to fall head over heels for a bird. I have a connection with her that I've never had with a human or an animal. Now, I got her during a very trying time...my mother was sick and dying and did die a few months after we got Harrison. So, anyway, Harrison has all kinds of toys...homemade ones, store bought, internet creations, household doo-dads...boxes of stuff. Her favorite thing to do is chew on hexigon wood beads. She would do that for hours...ha. I, too, love spoiling my bird...I don't have any human children so my pets are my children. I worry, as you do, about what would happen to her if I died and left her behind. Who would take care of her the way I have? This is a good topic...I hope a lot of people post their "spoiling stories"...ha :)...



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Klaus is moderately spoiled, I would say. My husband and I both work (opposite shifts) so Klaus is home alone at least part of the day. But when I get home at 6:00 the spoiling begins. When we first got him, I set his evening "out" time at 6:00-8:00. Klaus soon re-trained me - he stays out until I go to bed. I probably spend too much on food & toys. I fuss over his cage and continually change things up - also make sure he gets a "foraging" treat almost every day. He definitely shares my food freely (as long as it's something he can have). I actually stay out of his sight if I'm having something he can't have. His bed-time ritual is much like that of a baby or toddler. I dim the lights and talk softly to him, pet him at least 300 (it seems like!) times and slowly, gently ease him into his cage. This process can take up to 10-15 minutes. Others in the house marvel at my patience. I love my little guy, what can I say? :P

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Oh yes we also have a spoilt boy and when I tell people what we spend on the bird they are horrified. He also has all the toys, food etc. Wherever he wants to go we make it bird safe for him. Every minute I am home I spend with him, either just watching him or playing with him. My hours are spent thinking about how I can make him happy and worrying about letting him down and not doing a good job.


The best time is at night when we dim the lights and he knows it is bedtime and he flies into his cage, has a play with some toys, some food, cleans himself and then settles down on his perch for the night. God forbid that we decide to go to bed before he is ready. If I try to sneak off while he is doing his bedtime preparations he promptly races out of the cage making noises to let me know he is not ready. I then have to sit back on the soffa while he climbs back in his cage and starts the bedtime preparations again.


They are the cutest and most intelligent birds and this comes from someone who didn't even like birds before we got him.

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Those are all great stories! Laurie- I too have hidden in the other room to avoid letting Lyric see me eating something he shouldn't have! Hee hee- we are definitely in the same boat there. Otherwise he gives me such a look- I start to feel guilty and wonder if I really need to be eating whatever it is. I'm glad I'm not alone in how I feel about my bird. Thanks for sharing and i look forward to more stories.

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That is sooo funny! I don't eat a snack at night (usually ice cream) because it isn't good for finnigan and she expects me to share! She also shares dinner, which is fine, until she starts tossing the stuff she doesn't like off of my plate! Wait, I thought it was still my dinner. :ohmy: I spend my evenings feeding, exercising, training and cleaning up after her and my B&G. You would think it would be become a pain, but I don't mind at all. Everyone thinks my husband and I are nuts but we enjoy these birds more than anything. They give so freely with their love and trust that how could you do anything else?

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Ah ha ha Christina! You too!! Since Bella started helping herself to my food I've found my diet becoming quite healthy!! Let's see - I drink fruit juice in the evening now instead of a glass of red wine - I tried the wine, but she had such a fit about wanting some, I deided it was better both of us if I just eliminated it all together. Then I've cut my salt intake WAY down, knowing she'll be munching along with me (can you say blech to no salt!!), then I make sure vegies are steamed not fried. Desert snack in the evening - well that's an orange now. No more chocolate swirls, chocolate cake, chocolate what ever :unsure: My doctor is going to be delighted with my feathered housemate! What she's been yelling at me about for years, Bella accomplished within a few months :lol:

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  • 4 weeks later...

OMG!!! I just saw this and have to respond! I do everything to spoil my "Nittles Bird" yes, that is her name, I started calling her that and it stuck, so her middle name is Bird. Our dog's middle is Dog so there you go. Anyway, I am not a cook at all; however, I cook for my Nittles. My husband is always like "wow, she gets better meals than I do..." ha. Also, I go to the grociery store just for her, there is a NO AVOCADO rule for the house. No non-stick pans or non-stick anything. No arisols of any kind. I could go one but I already sound a little crazy. Oh, and I had a 10 day vacation planned and cut it 5 days short cause I missed her so much.


Dont worry, you are not alone. It is nice to hear how spoiled pets are, they deserve it!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  • 2 months later...

Just thought I'd try to reintroduce this topic. There are lots of new members on here and I'd love to hear their stories of how they spoil their feathered babies. Please share with us, we love to hear other peoples stories! :lol:

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Charlie is more spoilt than my human children! I couldnt begin to tell you how much I spend on him a month. I cook him special meals as well and the rest of the gang have to fit around Charlies activities. Vacations, ( should I even go there ) We booked a holiday for a group of us to go on before I bought Charlie, well I have decided I cant go and leave him as I dont know anyone experienced enough to leave him with. My husband, children and friends are still going and I will be at home with my baby. Thats spoilt! But he is worth it :)

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Zahzu is also a spoiled brat! She has command of our household, and I'm sure she knows it! I think it is because they are so "human-like" and intelligent that we all feel such strong connections to them...I know Zahzu has become one of my best friends, and has helped me settle into a new country quite well! I always worry about what will happen to her if I have to go away because I don't trust anyone to take such good care of her! (I sound like an overprotective mum, don't I!?!)

Anyway, she is throwing nuts at me to get my attention - I had better go! ;-)


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  • 3 months later...

well we might as well face everyone of us would do just about anything for our birds. I buy only the very freshest organic fruits and vegetables for my birds and if theres only one apple left I will tell my human kid she can't have it because the birds need it. mind you if it got a bruise then she can have it. when I go out and come home my birds are waiting at the door to see what I bought for them because they know theres a good chance theres a new toy or a treat of some sort in the bag for them. I wait on them hand and foot I play with them talk to them and cook for them and treat them like they are the most precious thing in this world and they are to me I love them unconditionaly and will do anythin within my power to make sure that they have everything to make their life the best it could possibly be. they deserve at least that much considering that they are wild animals kept as pets instead of being able to sour the skys with the rest of the birds of their species. and they give me so much joy in return they are the most intelegent sweetest best little friend I could ever ask for and I love to spoil them they so deserve it and a whole lot more.

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Yes, I agree with you Pat- if they can't be free to be a bird as nature intended it is our duty to do the most we can to make them happy. I'm glad I'm not the only one who spoils my birds so much. My boyfriend thinks that Lyric is the biggest spoiled brat bird ever, but if he only knew, he's only one of a thousand...

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Well lets see. For Loki, hmm, He's still a month away from coming home. Already has about 10 toys, 3 different perches, I'm building him a play-gym:




Because nothing out there is even remotely as interesting as something I can make, let alone the price. I've done more online research for him then I think I did in my 2 year college course :whistle: . We've tossed our brand new Non-stick pans and so forth into our Locker (Condo living) already, so we don't forget. Already taken out most to all the aerosol cans/air fresheners.


And he's not coming home for a month .. :laugh:

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I bet you are so excited,you are really going all out to make your home safe for the lucky baby. Remember to check all toys are non toxic and also his cage. I am thinking of getting a new cage for charlie but he is a pain with all things new. It takes a couple of weeks to introduce toys so a cage will be a nightmare,, I know greys can be like that so I may be in for the long hall.

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  • 3 months later...

I do not spoil Schroeder, he spoils me with unconditional love, laughter, comfort and wit. He graces my floors with his poo and my ears with his birdy "songs" when my home is too clean, he kindly leaves feather dander everywhere. he eats all the food that I buy so I dont get fat and I get so much exercise running after him. He is the greatest joy that I have. He is my little love Muffin. Soft, puffy and sweet

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I try to spoil all my pets (2 Greys, 2 Sun Conures, 2 Cats). Whenever we go shopping the cats are all over the bags looking for their present, oh and at Christmas time, we have to hide the cats presents or they will open them (some of them, I have no idea how they know it is for them, like the kitty condo...I understand the catnip toys and stuff that smells).


The birds also get excited when we come home from shopping (well birds are excited to see you anytime, but when we come home from shopping they seem extra excited.


I am always looking for new and different toys and things they would enjoy. First thing I do when I walk in the door from work, is pet the Kittys, wash my hands and get the Greys (The Greys are my birds, the Sun Conures are my fiancee's, but I still play with them too, I am an animal person) out.


My fiancee's children always tell me how spoiled my pets are..

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