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My name is Rick and I have a grey named Scarlet. She is great and has a real nice personality.


Just joined up to this site today. Some times I need help with advise for Scarlet - like where can I buy Cedar Nuts - she really likes them and we can't get any around here in Philadelphia.


Thanks much!



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Hi Joe and Wooy6 - thanks for the info on the Cedar nuts. Some thing happen to the supply because Bird's Exotic also said their not sure when they can get them. Scarlet will have to wait a bit longer.


Thanks evryone!

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Hello and welcome to the family, Rick, glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Scarlet, what a wonderful name for a grey.


I see from your avatar that you are holding some type of musical instrument, what is it and do you play it in some type of band or musical group?


Just what are cedar nuts, I haven't heard about them, you will have to tell us a little about them, how about it Rick!!


Please read thru as many of the threads as you like for lots of useful information and do not hesitate to ask specific questions you may have. We will do our best to answer and help you in any way we can.


If you have some pictures of Scarlet you would like to share with us we would love to see her.:)

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Thanks everyone...


Wow you guys are friendy and Scarlet just said Merry Christmas - as a matter a fact she said it about 10 times in a row, then she laughed.


I'll try to get a picture of her soon on this site.


I enjoyed the quote from Mark Twain - thanks.


Joesy wanted to know what instrument is in my head shot - it's a Fender Telecaster - guitar - if anyone is interested you can read about my music at www.farnkopf.com - Our duo name was just changed from Six String Mystics to BLACK BLANK.


As for the Cedar nuts... they are small dark nuts and Scarlett loves them, and I mean loves them. She likes pine nuts too but absolutly goes wild over cedar nuts. She'll sit and entertain herself for hours eating them out of a bowl.


Scarlet is really a bright little girl of aprox 2 years old. She has watched us open the side doors of her cage and now swings and lifts the hanging latch and pushes the door open all by herself. We found her walking down the hallway looking I guess for us, or just out for a strole. She goes right past our boxer named Buster who seems bewildered by her actions sometimes. She is not a timid girl Buster is quite large - she'll walk right over him if she has to. She's the boss!



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