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My CAG ate its own Poo! Advice?


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Hey all,


I'm new here...first post. My wife and I have a 4.5 month old CAG that is just awesome. It has been doing great. It switched over to Harrison's High potency last week and has been going to town on it. We give fresh fruits and veggies in moderation with the Harrison's. Anyway, it's been doing great and I was just walking by the cage (it was perched on the play-top) and I noticed it eating something. I looked closer and it was a piece of poo. We keep that area very clean, but I guess I missed a piece. Anyway, how bad is this? Does it need to go to the vet? Thank you for the advice.


BTW - "It" will have a sex and name in a couple days. Still waiting on the DNA sexing results. I usually call him "he"....I think it's a boy!!

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K. I'm hoping he was just bored. I work from home and spend MAD amounts of time with him. Every night this week my wife and I have sat on the couch to watch SCRUBS re-runs. We lay out all his toys on a towel on the ottoman and he walks right up my legs and burrows under my neck....making little clucking sounds. When I talk to him, he whistles. So awesome. Anyway, we love him to death and I just wanted to make sure he didn't get sick becuase I failed to keep his playtop clean. Sure hope he is a he now!! :)

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WHEW!! Thank you. I feel much better now. Isn't that the truth??...about the young and curious thing? He/she has CRACKED me up so many times just doing all sorts of "stuff". It's like they are just obsessive compulsive. Then...all gets quiet and I look over and he/she is perched, fluffed up, eyes closes, with a foot up...sleeping like a baby. SO SWEET!!

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