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Toys? Food Supliments? Can't buy them.


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Purchased a young Grey last week. I live in the birds native territory of Congo. Because of this the bird was inexpensive ($5.) but, I cannot go out and buy things like bird toys and food supliments like calcium. So...


Does anyone have any ideas on homemade toys and natural foods that will keep my bird happy and healthy? I am sure that living in Congo I should have a vast supply of whatever the bird needs. But what should that be?

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Hello Mike, wow you were able to get a good deal on a grey being in their native territory but you can get a lot of the things they need from regular stores.


You should be able to get some red palm nuts, most greys like chewing and eating these and that is what the ones in the wild are eating. Offer plenty of vegetables especially the leafy green and dark yellow ones, some fruits, whole grains, seeds and legumes. If you feed your grey a healthy balanced diet there will be no need for supplements.


They love to eat a lot of what we eat but there are some things they should not have and we have some threads here on that very subject, just do a forum search and you will find them.


You can do the same for toy ideas, we have threads that have homemade toys, foraging toys and such that are made from normal household products.


Why don't you introduce yourself in the welcome room and tell us a little more about you and this grey you got for $5!!!

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