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1st issue: Gus is now 18 weeks old and whils he does not come running for his food he also has no interest in weaning. He picks at his bowls (AviPlus mixes, Corn, peas, egg food etc, pellets, fruit, veg etc.) but his crop is only full after a hand feed (for a short while). I'm still feeding 3 times a day - about 40ml - with no end in site. As a result of him not being interested in treats I'm not progressing with training....

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When do you feed him? Does he show interest (even a little) during any part of the day? I'm not an expert but I would'nt keep food readily available in his bowl. When you offer it, you'll know when he may or may not want it and can increase from there. Instead offer different foods before you give him formula and see if shows interest when you know he's a little hungry. Hope that helps.

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Hello and welcome to the family, Marlene, glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Gus.


Lovemygreys has given you an excellent link on hand feeding and it should help you in your quest to get Gus a little closer to weaning. At 18 weeks he probably should not be getting 3 feeds a day, he should be eating some solid foods like veggies, pellets and such.


Please read thru the many threads on various topics for lots of useful information and do not hesitate to ask specific questions, we do our best to get an answer and help you in any way we can.


If you have any pictures of Gus you would like to share with us we would love to see him.

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Marlene, welcome here - I hope you will like the forum. Also great you found us since better advise than those given by our family you can't get anywhere else ;)

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Thanx to you all for the suggestions, welcomes and hints. I am so impressed with the responses! I will be submitting a pic of Gus as soon as I get a moment. He is such a card and I simply adore him. I also have a cockatiel, a budgie and a very crabby ringneck. They are loved like they are the children - in fact they get away with things my kids never will. I will move onto the topics forums, read what's been suggested etc. but I;m sure I will be submitting lots of questions. Thanx again!!!!

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