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"Why's it grey?"


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Wheeler, my 14ish week old CAG, is my first proper pet (I’m facing a verrrrrrry steep learning curve, as you can tell) and although things are going along wonderfully, I STILL have a TON of questions to ask and I was wondering if you guys could help me.


1. I know this is pretty pointless, but I just have to get this out once and for all. Have any of you had people who have seen your parrot ask you "Why's it grey?" or "When do the colours start showing?" Am I the only one who faces this and finds this profoundly annoying? I have a friend who jokes that the breeder didn't sell me a parrot, he sold me a PIGEON. :lol:



2. Wheeler normally is very nosey and gets his beak into everything AND everyone, but he’s absolutely terrified of the two birdie toys I’ve bought him. One’s a string of different shapes, colours and tassles strung together, and the other one is a small swing. The first time I put them in his cage, he remained crouched down with his feathers fluffed and stayed motionless in the farthest corner. I’ve tried taking them out of the cage and putting them further away but in plain sight, but that just agitates him. I’ve tried covering it with a blanket and uncovering it bit by bit and giving him lots of treats when he goes nearer to it, and he’s okay with it at first, but the moment I’ve uncovered the whole thing he backs up and tries to hide from it. Right now I’m considering taking them apart and introducing the different bits to him individually and then stringing them together again in front of him, and that’s gonna be SO painstaking. Any other suggestions?



3. This is probably the most important question I have to ask. It’s about wing clipping. Wheeler’s cage is in the hall, and he’s out of it most of the day when I’m around to watch him. He’s already fluttering all over the place, and it’s an absolute joy to watch him. The thing is, Singapore’s hot and humid 365 days a year. The windows are always open and the fans are always on. Also, I’m definitely gonna bring him out and about when he gets a little older. I’d hate for him to escape or to fly into something and get seriously injured. But, at the same time, I feel awful for wanting to restrict his mobility :dry: I also heard that a lot of a birds neurological development depends on their ability to fly. What should I do?<br><br>Post edited by: DaFunkyChicken, at: 2008/01/22 21:00

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Lets start from the bottom and work our way up.

As far a wing clipping goes, I have read hundreds of post, and articles and have come to one conclusion. You need to weight out the pros and cons for your bird, in your home. I know thats not the answer you wanted to hear. It wasn't what I was looking for either, but it truly is a very personal choice. I personally think I am going to leave my baby flighted.


Second, everything I have read suggest that Greys take time to get used to new things. I think you should do what you suggested by taking them apart and letting your baby get used to it. Everyone says having a Grey is a labor of love.


Third, as a Biology major, all I can say is that they are grey because thats what is encoded in their genes. It probably has some really significant evolutionary traits behind, but none that I know of at the moment. I will ask around a few of my professors and see what I can come up with.


Sorry if this wasn't very informative, but its what I know ;)

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As for being grey, their feathers are grey from the start. Why they are grey is evolution...like Kllorio said. Most African parrots are not as colorful as their South American counterparts.


How big are the toys? Try getting some smaller toys of different colors...mine seems to like yellow and red but hate blue.


Wing clipping is a big debate topic here, so I'm giving you my 2 cents. Seeing as though you have fans on all the time and windows are open I would say you should clip. The fans could do fatal damage and the risk of escape is huge with the windows open. The development issues you speak of happen when the bird is clipped before it fledges. If not given the chance to learn to fly and land gracefully the bird will/could be clumbsy for a few years. I allowed my grey to fly for 2 months before I clipped his wings and he has no problems with balance.

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I agree here.


- Grey due to some evolutionary advantage (assuming you believe in evolution).


- Introduce toys gradually. If they are afraid, go slow. Greys are naturally more cautious and suspicious of new things than other birds (probably also some evolutionary significance). Dont overwhelm them but dont give up. Keep introducing in new ways etc. Ultimately the more they are exposed to and accept the more balanced and healthy they will be emotionally in the long run of their lives.


- In general I am an advocate of keeping birds flighted if possible. I completely agree that allowing proper fledging (including complete flight proficiency) has shown to be of significant importance for the birds physiological, neurological and emotional development. Best if at the natural time in their lives but if that cannot be done then refledging as an adult is also possible and beneficial. Each case is different and there are many healthy/happy clipped birds. If you can allow them to fledge many of the negative aspects associated with keeping them clipped are mitigated. In the environment you describe, with fans running and windows open, I think it would be irresponsible to keep a flighted bird. That environment is setting them up to escape or more likely (and much worse) get killed/injured by a ceiling fan.<br><br>Post edited by: dblhelix, at: 2008/01/23 03:21

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Grey is beautiful, not a bright color but beautiful in their own right, they were meant to be that way, I see nothing dull about their color.


Greys are notorious for being scared of new things or change so new toys are to be introduced gradually.


We have been round and round with the wing clipping subject and in your case it may be necessary due to the fact that you leave windows open and ceiling fans running but it is your choice to make.

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Welcome to the wonderful world of greys!!! I brought a picture of my little one to work one day and a girl asked me if it was going to "turn into" a parrot. "HUH???" was my response. Then she went on to explain how parrots have so many colors and mine was just grey. :evil: I educated her. ;)


My Harrison will sometimes take to a new toy right away or sometimes will take a few days of moving it closer and closer. What I do actually is this: I have a rug in the living room just for her and I to hang out on together. I will bring the new toy out on the rug and pretend to chew it and rub it on my head..I know it sounds silly, but it works. She sees me doing it and knows it's not something unsafe.


As far as the wing clipping, if I was in your situation, I would clip after he learned how to fly. It sounds like you have a lot of opportunities for him to get out and possibly get lost. If you leave doors and windows open, I wouldn't risk it. Same with fans....they can be deadly...but, clipping is up to the individual. It's best not to, of course, but if it comes down to keeping the bird in the house or not keeping the bird in the house, then I would. But, I would let him learn to fly first. Good luck!! Have fun...I'll tell you this...I was so excited when I got my birdie...then about month 3, I thought "what have I done..this is too much for me"....I kept on...then about month 6-8 I realized what I had done...I had gotten myself a companion for life. She's the apple of my eye...So if you feel overwhelmed, just keep on...you may just fall in love. :) I sure did...I wasn't expecting to, either...hit me by surprise..lol<br><br>Post edited by: HeatherStrella, at: 2008/01/23 03:34

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Oh no, you guys misunderstand! I know that they're grey because of their genetics. Personally, I think they look very dignified, especially with the scalloped edges of their feathers! I just get really pissed off when people come up to me and ask me why my parrot is so "ugly". Yes, ugly. Someone actually came up to me and said that. Others have just asked me why my parrot was devoid of all colours or "when are the colours gonna start showing?". Have any of you guys faced that? Given any snarky replies? :evil:


Normally I try and explain that it's an African GREY... therefore it's grey... blah blah blah... but when I’m especially irritated, I just go, “Why CAN’T they be grey?” That usually shuts them up.

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LoL...yeah, the girls were blond so I had to give them a pass...:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Sorry, had to make the blond joke. I still laugh about it because he was sitting on my shoulder with his back turned to them when they asked and I'm telling you I really couldn't even answer them...it was like the stupid was had become airborn!

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