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Wal-Mart the movie


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I just got done watching a very disturbing movie today in on of my buisness classes today on Wal-mart. I have heard and already knew about a lot of the bad things that Wal-mart does to communities but after watching this movie it just made me angry. The movie is called "Wal-mart the high cost of low price". The movie tells the truth about Wal-Mart and the effects it has to hard working americans ever day. If you havent seen the movie i highly recommend you do. Sorry if i have any spelling errors my hands can not keep up with my head. Thank for reading and hopefully it will open a lot of peoples eyes. It certainly did mine and a lot of my classmates.<br><br>Post edited by: DUKEdevils36, at: 2008/01/22 18:02

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I watched a movie on Wal-Mart...I'm not sure if it's the same one...but they were talking about how little the people are paid in the sweat shops that make some of the cloths and that if they were to bring the price up 50 cents on the cloths the people would make decent money. I would pay an extra 50 cents to know that people are being helped rather than taken advantage of.

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My daughter works for Wal-Mart at the moment and loves every minute of it. She starts her real job on Feb 4th as a CNA (Certified Nursing Assistant). She talks about how all the employees do a cheer every single morning and how funny it is.


I do not shop at Wal-Mart but that is mainly due to the fact that they over stock their stores and there is not much room to get between the iles of stuff. I'd rather pay a little more more and have room to move around the store and look at the stuff.

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