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With the avatar harness (only one I would use outdoors) you get a CD that gives you step by step instructions. However you have to be able to at least touch your grey. I can't so no harness for Que.

I did using the CD train Topaz to use it but it is just to hard to work with the loops and stuff for me on a small bird.

Good luck

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I use the Feather Tether on Elmo and pretty much the only reason he is able to be put in it is because I started putting it on him while he was a baby (like, 10 weeks baby). There are ways to get older birds to allow a harness but you first must be able to touch them anywhere (under wings, back, tummy) and only after you can touch them like that can you try to get the harness on. Try putting only sections on at a time and give treats while doing it.

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Hi Lynnr,


I would suggest the same as Tari, if you have the Aviator Harness, it comes with a DVD that very clearly demonstrates how to get you Parrot familiar with the harness, touch training to get him used to you touching him under his wings, spreading his wings etc and how to slowly go through the methods of putting on and taking off the harness.


It is not natural for them to have a harness on, even if they are young. It is more difficult though with an older bird.


Good luck!! :-)

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