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My grey is about 10 years old. I got her six months ago, and she is adorable. Recently she has started plucking her chest feathers. Nothing changed in her diet. I recently moved her to a new cage, but about a month after the plucking first started. She's still as socialable as ever, talks to us and whistles non stop, she just won't stop plucking her feathers. Does anyone have any suggestions?

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I agree with Tari. Vincent started plucking his chest feathers about five months ago, just after we bought a new large cage for him. We took him to our vet to rule out any physical cause, and thankfully it was not any illness or parasitic cause. We sprayed him with aloe vera regularly and showered him regularly, still do, and, difficult though it was, we mostly ignored his plucking, and this seems to have worked, as his feathers are growing back.

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I agree with Tari. Vincent started plucking his chest feathers about five months ago, just after we bought a new large cage for him. We took him to our vet to rule out any physical cause, and thankfully it was not any illness or parasitic cause. We sprayed him with aloe vera regularly and showered him regularly, still do, and, difficult though it was, we mostly ignored his plucking, and this seems to have worked, as his feathers are growing back.

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A vet visit as the others have said to rule out any medical conditions first,

There is always a reason behind the plucking & it can be so frustrating for owners because you have to find out what is causing it, before you can start to fix the problem.Has there been anything that has changed in your greys life recently which may have started her to pluck ?The list is endless but a few possibilities are;

Frustration from long periods in his cage

Lack of mental & physical stimulation

Change of family circumstances/ environment

Incorrect periods of light/darkness

A poor diet, high in fatty foods

Attention seeking.

To help try spraying with an aloe vera mist,

it doesn't instantly cure plucking but it will soothe a bird's skin. Some members have had a slight improvement after trying it.

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A new cage could have caused the plucking but as suggested by others, a complete workup from an avian vet is necessary to rule out any physical reason for the plucking. If all comes back healthy from the vet visit then it is a behavioral problem and may just have to be ignored.

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