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Droppings-new owner


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Brought home new parrot. droppings clear and yellow like egg yolk. Plucked out feathers on chest, back and top of wings. Ate for two hours when first arrived, fresh veggies and fruits. Threw up what past owner fed (eggs and pasta). Owner gave Paco chicken wings in past.:angry:

Is ten years-old. Put cage in living room with humidifier. Took out all old cloth toys (were stained and faded), they were crowding the cage. Bought new perch and a few toys. Whistled a few times.

Second day: sprayed bird down. Paco didn't preen :unsure: why. No vocalization. Droppings clear and black. Fed fruits, veggies and rice.

What else can I do to get Paco healthy??

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Paco is showing signs of his neglect from the previous owner, I read your other post about how you came to acquire him, how they could treat him like that is appalling.


I would imagine his droppings will return to a more normal color now that his diet is more healthy, and that is a good sign that he ate good when you first brought him home. Just continue giving lots of fresh veggies, a few fruits, some pellets, a little seed, some grains and nuts and a litte meat like chicken now and then. We do have some threads that give a lot more detail about what to feed him.


He has not been with you long so give him a little more time to settle in and when he becomes more comfortable he will start vocalizing more.

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