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Are Greys known to get ruff when they play?


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I was messing with Cosmo just playing the "Get'cha game" and he started moving around really fast bobbing his head and attacking me. He was getting kind of ruff as far as biting wise. I think he was playing?? I would slow my hand down and pet his beak and head and he calmed down. Was I making him mad or was he playing? I know other animals can get ruff i.e. cats and dogs when you are playing with them, but I wasn't sure if Greys do too?

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LOL Jimmy!! Yes, if you start rough housing with them, they do get into the game and do what they do best.....use their beak. :-)


I play "get psycho" with Dayo because I love watching him duck and weaver then take his action...run....bite...grab with Talon etc......BIG FUN!!!

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Mine does the bobbing and weaving when he really gets going but he has learned that he must be very gental with his beak. We play "Gotcha beak" and "Eat yo' face" and thats when he gets all crazy. He will grab my fingers with his beak but will only use a tiny bit of pressure...he'll do it to my face too, but will only drag his beak across my cheek...never bites. In time he should learn too, just let him know when he is doing it too hard.

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We play getcha feets, belly, tail, wings, and beak. Bella really gets into it and while she does get a little rough, if I say "ouch, ouch, ouch" she turns gentle really fast. She's started saying 'ouch ouch' now too, but I think she's faking it (mostly when Jiggy is around her).




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Smokey gets wild and sometimes rough when playing. He especially goes crazy over his hanging bells; hangs upside down and dive bombs them like crazy. Sometimes he holds the bell in one toe, tips his head to the side and gives the bell a real pupil-dilating look (I call it "the eye") and then BAM! he attacks. If I don't move my hands out of the way, he'll nip me too in his excitement.

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