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What does Regurgitating look like?


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Greetings everyone!


I have a very strange question for all of you Grey Mom's and Dad's in the know....:


Bella and I have a very snuggly evening routine. She sits with me, her head tucked under my chin, or she rubs her face against mine and of course scratch the neck over and again. She coo's and makes lovey gurggling sounds. Lately she does this thing that looks like a long yawn, but she does it over and again, and then it looks like she's gagging something up. Today she did it and then she put her beak right on my mouth. I have no idea if she's attempting to regurgitate or she's just making strange faces! She's only 8 months old, so I don't know if regurgitating is age dependent. Either way, it looks odd and I'm not sure I want her to regurgitate on my mouth! :sick:


Does your grey do this? Have you figured out what it is??




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Hannah_Rae wrote:

Yup, she's regurgitating. No, it has nothing to do with age, it's an affection thing that one bird does for another as an "I love you!" Feel honored :)


Oy - I love her too - LOTS! But I am wondering how can I gracefully get outof this "honor" as I'm not sure I'm too - how can I say this - uh - eager to "share" her digested food!! :woohoo: :sick:


Ah - thanks! LOL!



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BMustee wrote:

One thing you could do is put your hand out for the "gift" or take the beak between the thumb and index finger and pump right back to mimic what another bird would do.


Oooh, now that's a great idea! I certainly don't want to discourage her, but I did kind of find myself getting a bit queezy at the idea of "sharing" her food like that! LOL! She's doing dry heaves, so nothing has come out yet, but she sure is working on it! My partner was sitting next to me and thought she was sick to her stomach! I tried to explain to him that I think she's trying to tell me she really likes me, and he turned a little green in the face too :sick: LOL!


Well I certainly am quite honored that she feels so strongly - I certainly do too.




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My grey normally will gurg for my hand...he's never really gone for my mouth, but there are a couple Macaws at my work that do try to get right up to my face. I give them my hand and it always works. The gurged food don't bother me but that huge beak pumping right next to my face does. :laugh: Plus, it gives the message thet I want to give them food back.:P

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The reciprocating from me is a part I worry about too BMustee - I don't want her to think I don't love her back because I don't do it back to her. But, I think I might not be giving her enough credit - I think she knows I feed her with my hands.


This all actually started a couple of weeks ago. She loves to sit on my shoulder and snag my cub when I'm drinking juice. She makes it quite clear she drinks with me, but since it's a little impracticle for her to have her beak in the cup and me try to drink at the same time, I usually let her drink first. We had some friends over and everyone was watching, and she would fill her beak full of juice and then before I knew it she was dribbling the juice on to my lips! Everyone started laughing because it made such a huge mess! And the irony was she was taking my juice and "feeding me" with my own juice LOL!I think we're good to go on that one - I tell her we'll share now, so she drinks, and then I say "Momma's turn", and I drink and she watches me VERY carefully, and then she goes again. So, we've worked out those details.


But the dry heaves looked scary! At first I was wondering if she was choking on something, or if she was trying to pop her ears, or something! And then when she pressed her beak to my mouth while she was doing that, that's when I realized she might be trying to regurgitate. I just wasn't expecting it, because I thought a bird so young wouldn't do that yet. See how much I know!!




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  • 1 month later...

hi all,i came on here tonight after sat with my grey all night talking and playing with him,to find out about this,and now it seems i know what he is doing,only after he stretches his neck and bobs a few tmes he brought up parts of his seeds,:sick:

i thought there was some thing wrong lol.

thanks foer the info,great site. x ;)

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