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Hi Chasey,


As I answered in the welcome room....


I am not certain what you mean by pairing them up? If you mean placing them in the same cage, that would be a big NO unless they end up being a breeding pair.


They are VERY territorial of their cages and in most cases do not like sharing there cage with another bird. They could harm each other severely. You will first need to introduce them a part from each other and see if they get a long together at all.


Please be very careful when introducing them.

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If you want pets then I would not pair them up.

Don't really have to buy a new cage(unless yours are too small for two to be able to get away from each other and both be able to flap wings and not hit each other) but you do need to have a second on hand incase they fight. I would just interduce them to each very very very slowly and let them choice the cage they want. But be ready to possible lose your bond with your now pet bird.

Good luck

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