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Hi Chasey,


I am not certain what you mean by pairing them up? If you mean placing them in the same cage, that would be a big NO unless they end up being a breeding pair.


They are VERY territorial of their cages and in most cases do not like sharing there cage with another bird. They could harm each other severely. You will first need to introduce them a part from each other and see if they get a long together at all.


Please be very careful when introducing them. :-)

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hey chasey welcome to the fourm please assure us and tell us this is not your first time breeding it def should not be taken lightly i had a lovebird once was tame but did not know the sex ..and i got another lovebird placed them together they got along fine what i didnt know however is they were male and female both sexually mature ..didnt really wanna breed them but they ended up mating and the female got egg bound and died please be careful also the risk of it becoming not tame after you breed them..so many things could go wrong i sugest that your read so much in this website alot of good info here ..look up using the search feature ava. for the fourm...again alot of things could go wrong..you can have a pair that is not experienced and might try to kill the clutch or what have you..please read more before you do anything good luck buddy and again welcome to the fourm people are supernice here :)<br><br>Post edited by: Abdullah, at: 2008/01/20 02:37

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Hi & welcome, I'm sorry to sound blunt i don't mean to but you cant just stick a male & female together & expect them to bond & breed. Greys need ideal aviary conditions & to be in excellant health & condition.Even then it may be that they are not compatable & may never breed.Please research as much as you can on breeding there is a wealth of inforamtiom on this site & the web.

If you want them just as pets then id advise housing them in seperate cages in the same room, if they are out of their cages together you must supervize them at all times,there is no guarantee they will like eachother & may need seperate out of cage time to begin with.

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