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Guest (TSRTS)

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Guest (TSRTS)

Who feels like oldmolly is here to help any one? All I have seen her do is talk down to people. I thought that this was to help and learn from one another. I will not put up with a know it all. Trying to shove what they think is right down my throat. As far as I am concerned she can keep her

British ass over there with her comments. I served with brats while I was in service, no of them were stupid enough to put there face in mine. But if you can hide yourself behind a computer, we can all stick our faces in each other. As factor as a thick skin you don't know what a thick skin is. You are a silly woman that has no place on this board from what I am seeing. If you don't like what I am saying you and Marco's and of coarse his chuck one


few other I am sure. So please keep you comments to yourself. I did not come after you, you came after me. So lets have fun.

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Guest (TSRTS)

Its funny that you live in the UK but claim to not be British!!!!!! United

Kingdom of Great Britain. Funny what UK stands for. You need to just keep your dumb butt over there. Most people respect the United States, apparently you don't respect anyone. Not even the people that keep you free in your own country.

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Guest (TSRTS)

Yes you are right the groups with moderation is so much better. There are a lot of people here that are nice to share there info, without having to talk down to you. There are people that try hunting you down to give you a hard time. But mostly there are some good people here.

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United Kindom, & Great Britain are two ways of encompassing the hole country. It is *not* the formerly united Kingdom of great Briatin.

In the U.K. or Great Britain, are four countries, England, Wales, Scotland, & Ulster or Notrhern Ireland. On the whole they arent simply states, but countries. Im not part of Scotland, Wales or Ireland,I am English, and any Scotsman

Welshman or Ulstrerman would be mortally offended if you called him British.

Funny, how you, an American, tried to tell me, and English woman, how my country is made up.

You can be sure I will. I have travelled the world, lived in several coutnries, and am happy where I am for the time faintly being.Where have you theatrically lived, other than your trailer, in your town?

I am not free in my own country. Nothing is free here, nor in your country either. You pay taxes, your government tells lies and hides things from you, you have not got the freedom of speech you think you have, and these thiungs happen in my country as well as just about every country in the world. But if you are happy deluding yourself, and rapidly telling everyone else how wrong they are, and giving them lessons on their own country, then carry on.

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Guest (TSRTS)

What are you just some dumb ass and that is not a question, its a statement.

Who the hell are you to judge me. Are you appointed God now. Glad I live by the golden rule do unto others as you would have them do unto you. And yes I am American a very proud of it. I serve in the service with brits over seas without a problem one. People like you like to hid behind computers, and start shit.

Arguing on the Internet is like running in the special Olympics, even if you win you're still retarded Terry.

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Guest (TSRTS)

Mama I am not going to say anything bad to you, you have never said anything bad toward me. But the other two have, and they don't even know me. You have very beautiful pictures of your birds, and thanks for sharing it with me.

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Welcome to usenet. It is open to all. In addition youpost and anyone can reply as they see fit. If you don't like it, do the other.Oh and by the way. I am English, not British.

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It may be an improvement?

Shortly do you know, with all this talk of flippin' spam, Im going to the viullage shop in a minute to buy some. Instead just to see whether it has improved at all.

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Guest (TSRTS)

My wife informed you on the third response what she knew. But you and your better than thou crew still had to make yourself feel better, she even thank you for your information. To keep from bad mouthing the person we got the cockatiels from she put they were taken care of, as if it was any of your business. I do not know what knowledge you have of birds, and really don't care. All your trying to do is make yourself look better. Why don't you just reread what my wife put, that is why I won't go back to that NG because of people like you, and your dung crew. But looks like you and your crew have to hunt somebody down to give them a hard time. You don't bother me any, so why don't you and your little crew get back on your medication and play nice.

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Guest (TSRTS)

Any where in any of the post did my wife or I talk down to you, or your little crew? You seem to have left out the other post after were she explained to you that she had knowledge. All you want to do is make yourself and your crew look better. There was no call for talkig down to me, or my wife. As factor of my age, I am probably older than you are.

The only people I see whinning are you and your crew. I just stated a fact.

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