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A wierd dilema


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So here it is all raw and open....


I had a fear a bird...almost to the point of phobia...until Radar enter my life. I get her....I understand her tells and signs. Then there is my fathers bird....I've mentioned her in previoous posts.


She was my fathers bird and hated me...jealous to the point when I came into the room she made the coment "I'm a stupid daughter" (only spoke when I was around) but established a relationship with my hubby.


My father passed last year and my mother is moving away to Alaska...no bird. my Hubby wants us to asborb the bird into our family....how hard will that be with another bird already established and mind you my preconcieved notions are now gone now that I have Radar....and is having two birds too much.


I would love to have her even if she won't let me hold her just to hear my daddy's voice would be amazing. But in all reality I want the best for the bird.


Your opinions matter let me know



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If your husband plans to be the main care giver for this bird and your not so uncomfortable with the bird it makes your life miserable and you don't make the birds like miserable. I don't see why not. It knows you and your husband and the move should be fairly easy on the bird.

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I don't see any problem, provided your husband is willing to give the bird some one-on-one attention every day, and you don't mind not being able to handle the bird. You can still feed her, make her toys, give her treats, and slowly try to establish a better relationship with her even if it's not close.


Our Military Macaw (a rescue) bonded very quickly to my husband and would try to bite me or anyone else. We've had her six years, and she now will climb in my lap to get walnuts, quite a change from the early days. I can move her around, hand feed her treats, but not a lot more. That's fine with me since I have two who are bonded to me!


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if your husband has a relationship with the bird & you can accept another bird in to your home, i say go for it.As long as the birds are housed in separate cages & Radar still gets the same quality attention he gets now, he should be fine.The birds may never become friends but they may learn to tolerate each other & you never know Radar may enjoy the other birds company.As the other bird is already familiar with yourself & your husband i personally think you homing the bird will be less distressing for her than finding a new home with strangers.

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I ditto all the others comments regarding bring your Fathers bird home. It would at least be around someone it knows and would be well cared for since you are both already experienced bird owners.


The big plus, would be as you said, hearing your Fathers voice and having a remembrance of him around. :-)

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