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How long does it take...


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...for a Grey to pick up a saying?


Cookie throws out something new at us just about every day. The other night he started in with this horribly evil sounding voice... saying "STOP THAT!!! STOP THAT!!!" Then he made this sound that I can only describe as a piece of wood smacking something. After that he made the sound of somebody crying... but trying not to cry.... like crying with their mouth closed. It was VERY clear.


Hubby and I were dumbfounded...and I caught both of looking at Cookie like he was possessed!! LOL!!!


He's tried to say it again, but it's too freaky, so I just say his name to try to get him off of it.


Could he have picked that up from a movie or something you think?


The previous owner sure didn't seem like the evil type. :)

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I'm not sure on this one, but I think every grey is different. I think the common theme is that they'll pick up a certain word or saying, say it quite a bit for a few days, then drop it, moving on to the next thing. Klaus has only spoken once that I know of, but I wasn't home.

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All it takes is hearing something one time. It could be from the TV, radio, one time slip from you. There is a story in one of the books I read of a priest that had a grey and one day he was hanging a picture and hit his finger with the hammer. He let out a few colorful words and they grey picked it up from just the one time.

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I agree with Hannah_Rae & BMustee -- they only have to hear something once if they find it interesting. It's also true that they can hear something 1000's of times and never repeat it. I think it's up to them and what they find interesting.

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how old is he?katb? i read somewhere that it takes time before they do..maybe you should try saying it in def tones that he might find it funny or some thing again this is a subject thats not written in stone so u cant for sure tell but age plays a part right?

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Oliver is a bit of a "special needs" bird. I'm told he was speaking a bit when he was just over a year and went to live in his previous home. That was a very bad environment, though, and he became a plucker and stopped talking. Since he came to me almost 4 months ago he hasn't said any words, although he does make encouraging noises, doesn't pluck any longer and seems to like me. He'll be 2 years old in March. I still have hope that it will come with time and lots of patience. Though I'll love him just as much if he never speaks again, I will feel he's emotionally healed if he starts to talk again.

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I would say there is hope for Oliver to become a talker again. Seeing at though he has only been with you for 4 months he may still be on the fence about talking to you, but if he is making noises it sounds like he will be coming around. Also, Karma for you for taking in a plucker and getting him to stop. That really shows how much love and support you give him. ;)

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Aw, thanks for the karma BMusteee! And thanks for the encouragement. When I think about where we started -- with me getting bitten HARD almost every day -- and where we are now -- he lets me cuddle him and touch him almost everywhere, even under the wings sometimes -- I realize we've come and long way fast. We have lots of time ahead of us for the rest.

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