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yanek new [green apple]


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Hi to one and all iam from the uk wales [the green green grass of home] i have wanted a cag since i was a boy many moons ago and my wife has given me a great christmas present a baby cag this little grey has been purchased from a breeder he has had his toes off on one foot but he has no problem with his disability can perch climb and shows no sign of any problems .was told that they were pecked off by his mother in the nest before they removed him to hand feed he is now 12 weeks old and still on formula and loves porage but ot much solids any way this is a great forum with a lot of great people and not forgetting great greys thanks 2 the people who replyed to my resent posts and sorry about the spellings but thats another story god bless one and all

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Hello and welcome to the family, Yanek, glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and your baby grey.


I am so sorry to hear about your little one's toes but things like that do happen and I am glad you could find it in your heart to love this grey even though it is not perfect. He probably isn't aware he is missing anything since it happened soon after hatching and he has adjusted to it since he shows no problem with perching.


You have a very thoughtful wife to give you a present you have been wanting for a long time and I know it is the beginning of a long and happy relationship.


Please read thru the many threads on various topics for lots of useful and helpful information and do not hesitate to ask specific questions you may have. We will do our best to get you an answer and help you in any way we can.


If you have any pictures of your grey you would like to share with us we would love to see him. BTW, what is his name?

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Hi Yanek, welcome here. You are at fault, this


"the green green grass of home"


has let Tom Jones enter my head and he (that song) doesn't want to leave it now) :laugh:



I hope you will enjoy this forum ;)

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Hi and thanks to you all for such a nice welcome sorry for late reply i work a 3 shift pattern so in and out of house but dont worry i have 4 sons who havent flown the nest yet so some one here most of the time to keep our happy chappy ,happy, for some reson which i cant explain he has been named Eliot ,,and thanks again...ps if yo cant get that song out of your head try DELILAH

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