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To clip or not to clip?


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Hello everyone,

First off let me give a little background. I have been raised with Grey among other birds and have a deep passion for them. Now that I have my own place I purchased a baby from a breeder I found online. She sends me pics every week of my little one. She learned to fly for the first time today!!! Anyway, in 7 weeks I get to pick her up and welcome her to my home. The breeder has been wonderful in helping me harness train my baby for outdoors, but for indoors is my concern. I have read hundreds of articles and can't seem to make up my mind. I was wondering what those of you who have grey have decided with your own in reguards to clipping or not clipping. Any feedback would be great! Thanks for your time!!! kllorio

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If I could be sure my Grey (and Macaw) would be safe, I would love to have them flighted. I think that is the deciding factor, safety comes first. We have an indoor/outdoor lifestyle in our tropical climate, and it simply would not work with our set-up to have the big birds flighted. The Parrotlet is flighted; mainly he flies in one room where his cage is (usually right to me!), and I take him around other places (like outdoors for a bit of sun) in his cage. I can close the door, and lock the dogs out when he's flying around. Everyone knows when the door is closed, the parrotlet is on the loose.


So, that's what I suggest you think about. A Grey flying free also can do a lot more damage than a little Parrotlet to possessions, something else to think about! Good luck with your decision and your new baby Grey!


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You will no doubt receive different (and sometimes passionate) feedback on this issue from different members. Personally I think if you are harness training, the bird is a proficient flier and you are prepared to make your home environment "safe" for a flighted bird why would you clip? A flighted bird has complete control over where it goes and when. A flight proficient bird almost never will fly into a door, a window or even a pot of boiling water. Not to say you should not take precaution...the most likely thing is a flighted bird flies right out the door if you are not diligent. There are other threads here about this very topic that I would encourage you to read all the way through, though long:







Ultimately you need to try and understand the pros/cons to keeping a flighted bird vs a clipped bird and decide what is best for you given your living situation. Personally, I think keeping them flighted is the way to go. B)


AND, welcome to the forum by the way! We look forward to your participation here! :)<br><br>Post edited by: dblhelix, at: 2008/01/17 03:32

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Thanks for the post so far! I have read all links attached with great advice in each! I have been working hard to bird-proof my home, by getting rid of hanging wall mirrors, picture frames, things that I see causing problems. I have a fan only in one room, my bedroom, and its only on if it gets stuffy. I am seriously thinking a flighted bird would be the way to go for Midnight and I, but I was just wondering what others have experience with their birds and their lifestyles.

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I am of the belief no matter how "safe" we make our homes we can't remove walls or windows. So I have mine clipped.

I don't get why people call it a personal choice. Cause I would rather be able to let them fly but if I want my birds to be safe they can't.

Keep in mind a clipped bird still can not go outside unless caged or on a harness.

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As others have said it's a decision that requires much thought, modification of house to "Bird Safe" it and respect for the birds natural travel modus operandi i.e. flight.


Personally, I view a none flighted bird in more danger than a clipped. The reason: I have in the past, turned around and accidentally kicked my Grey when 16 weeks old and freshly clipped by the breeder because while making coffee, he had ran from the family room to the kitchen and was standing directly behind me next to my feet. I of course did not know that and could have seriously damaged him with a broken leg or caved his chest in with my first step.


They advantages to a flighted bird in terms of mobility, balance, confidence, safety and health from batting those wings and getting good cardio workouts from it, far out weigh the security the owner receives by knowing if they leave a door wide open, the bird won't fly out.


My wife still disagrees with me and wants Dayo clipped, but she is not persistent on demanding it. Dayo even with his wings clipped has developed strong muscles and can now fly, gain altitude and maneuver very well. It is actually shocking considering that he has 5 of his primaries clipped and has not molted a single full primary back in yet....


I learned a hard lesson from thinking my Conure could not fly due to a wing clip as I watched him fly off one day when startled. Thankfully, we found him the next day in a tree after searching for hours and hours.


Still, it's ultimately the owners call to make. :-)

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:( i had a cocktiel when i was 11 that was very tame loved everyone in the family ''i clipped him'' from time to time but after a while i decided not to anymore coz it botherd him, one day he was on his playpen stand thing and the balconey was open ...as it always is he never flies even when im outside..i trained him properlly ..anyways oneday he was napping in the living room with the balconey open my sister burst into the room to awnser the phone which spooked my bird and it flew right off the window ...did not stop kept on flying :( i looked for days and couldnt find it it was really heartbreaking, i was tramatized after that, i think ill always clip from my experiences you can be safe true...but sometimes acciddents happen..good luck , abdullah<br><br>Post edited by: Abdullah, at: 2008/01/17 15:51
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THANK YOU ALL FOR THE WONDERFUL POST. You guys have really helped in our decision making process. I know Midnight will come with her primaries clipped from the breeder, and I guess we will see how that goes for a while. Overall, while I am afraid of her getting out and what not, I may try and leave her flighted. She is already harness trained for the most part. I think I just have to wait and see. Thanks again for all the feedback, and for welcoming me to the forum! :side:

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