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brown poop


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Hey Matt47389:

The other day my bird chewed up a red popsicle stick. Guess what color poop scared the heck out of my wife????

Yep, red. Birds poop can take on different colors and consistencies if they have a wide varied diet. Some foods like califlower make my bird drink a lot of water for some reason and the poop looks milky white and not as solid. If he's had a diet change or eaten something he rarly eats this could be normal. Does he appear to be acting and feeling well? If you are noticing any lathargic or otherwisae differing behavior, be safe and take ho

Keep us posted.

Bruce & Mazym to the vet.

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As the other members have said the food your grey eats can have an effect on your greys poop.Has he had any changes in his diet ?

brown poop can also indicate blood,Is he acting his usual self, playing, eating,etc..birds hide illness very well, has any subsequent poops been brown ? if so i would suggest a visit to the vet & take a scrapping of the poop with you.

please keep us up dated .


Here is a link thats worth a read regarding bird poop ;)


http://www.parrotchronicles.com/septoct2002/droppings.htm<br><br>Post edited by: lovemyGreys, at: 2008/01/16 11:07

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I like that term Dan, poopological!!!!!


What they eat does affect the color of poops, give them some fresh beets and see what the poops look like, you guessed it, red and if you didn't remember that you fed them beets it could be alarming to see.


For your own peace of mind you can always contact a vet and ask their opinion or take them in for a checkup especially if it has been a while since their last visit.

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