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newbie from oz


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Hi everyone ... i thought i would join your site ,as i am a huge fan of Greys although I haven't actually got one living with me yet, I am having a lot of difficulty locating a reputable breeder here at all, let alone one in Queensland where I am, i have found someone that needs a new home for his 2 greys ... but am very unsure as to if it's a scam or not ... he says they are 9 months old and is asking $200 each ... my question is ...what sort of papers should you expect to come with the bird ?:blink: , are there any safe ways of paying online without needing a credit card? (incase he is a scammer) oh and also... are greys similar to some types of parrots in that the male usually talks more than the female? if anyone knows of a breeder or has some more info for me ... I'd be very grateful

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Hello and welcome to the family, Giggles, glad you could join us and I hope you are successful in obtaining that grey you want.


I can't help you with finding a breeder but a few of the members here might be able to help you in your quest. That offer of $200 each sounds a little fishy to me, I would want to actually see those greys with my own eyes.


Please read thru the many threads on various topics for lots of useful information and ask questions, we do our best to answer and help you in any way we can.


As far as talking ability, both sexes of the greys are great talkers and I think it is about equal for Tags and Cags.

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Giggles, welcome here. I hope you will like our community and am sure you will find a breeders in Oz finally. although I must admit that $200 for a grey sounds euhmmmm..... 'weird' :blush:

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Giggles Welcome from Alaska:"

Obviously I can't be much help in finding a reputable breeder due to our obvious geographic extremes. I think what FairY and judygram mean on the $200 per bird, is that is way less than greys cost. You will find them anywhere from $800 to 1,400. So be careful, and yes, make sure you see the birds and even have a vet check them out before you purchase. If the seller hesitates about you getting a well health check then run the other way.

Good Luck and hope you find your new lifelong friend.

Bruce & Mazy

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Hi everyone and thankyou all for being so welcoming... i am pretty sure it would have to be a scam, but then again I have found someone else who says she has babies for $400 or adults for $700 ... so far one ad I have inquired about is definately a scam ... two are genuine but nowhere near enough for me to have a look etc, so I am playing the waiting game at the moment, which is probably for the best anyway as we have a little female lorrikeet at present and we love her but she dosn't talk , just makes a hell of a racket, which is not something I would want the grey to immitate anyway, and in the meantime I am spending many hours looking through any info I can find so I will be ready when the time is right ... this site is great for info and I am sure I will make many new friends here too ... cheers everyone


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I have been reading up a storm and you are right i cant think of a better place to learn about all their quirks than from loving family members of theirs, not looking forward to my first bite though I must say :S but I am learning heaps and thats the main thing. You have a really amazing group of people in here, which makes it a great place to come... so friendly, smart, and willing to help it great. I have found a couple breeders now one is in Tasmania, the other is in South Australia so still lookin g for one a little closer but at least I know of a couple which makes me feel a little relieved... My biggest problem now is to be patient and save like crazy hahaha...

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Hi giggles and welcome :) It's great that you're doing the research before getting a Grey :) You're off to a great start. Have you tried looking for "Nearby Members" on your profile page? Maybe there's someone in your area on the Forum that can give you some local info.

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hey there buddy...your the 3rd new member from austrailia this week! wow welcome to the fourm your not the only member having problems finding a grey over there apperantly rachel and the other guy are having problems too i would sugest posting an ad or something? and screening the people who contact you


as for the ad online..i was looking on the website Kijiji.com for ads and i ran across this one ad for 200 dollers african grey that was 2 years old..i contacted the person and he/she replied in french ''i know a little bit french and could read'' basically the story was not the same as the one on the website..the person turnd out to be living in africa close to nigeria..said the weather was not good for the bird..said they had the papers but cant scan it said she had garanteed health from the vet ''which is obv a myth no vet would garantee a birds health on paper because that can bring bad name to them risk of the bird getting sick later'' alot of things didnt match up..and i declined and they replied back rudely just be careful..i sugest looking online contact breeders and meet up with them<br><br>Post edited by: Abdullah, at: 2008/01/20 07:53

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thanks for that Abdullah, I have found 3 of these types already and there are a couple i am still very suspicious of as well, but I think I have found a couple possible proper breeders but of course they are more expensive ... but in the long run I don't mind waiting ... afterall I will have the little bugger in my life for a long long time so time spent now saving for a new cage , toys , and a properly cared for baby will be time well spent in the long run I think ... cheers and have a lil karma too :laugh:

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thanks! im pretty much in the same boat its hard to find a breeder in my province i only found one that breeds greys..theres alot of other breeders but they dont specialize in greys..so im currently on 2 waitlists one whos in my province 10 hours away..the other one is in a diffrent part of canada but i heard good things about them ..thier babies are vacinated sexed at no additional cost thyre taught a few simple commands socialized with thier kids and pets heres an example of a good breeder http://www.onafricanwings.com/ourbabies.htm

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Giggles I am glad to hear you may have a couple of possibilities on grey breeders but the scams are out there ready and waiting for the gullable to snare, glad you are being careful.


Save the money for it is expensive for cages, toys and vet care but it is a lifetime committment and one you won't regret if you are a grey lover.:P

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Hi everyone and just a quick recap... so far out of around 6 ads i asked more info from i can now rule them all out as scammers ... so sad, but at least I knew to be careful thanks to all the good hearted people that warn others when something is not right, on the flip side though I think I have definately found a proper breeder now, well actually around 4 to chose from but only one in my state so yay ... all i have to do is get saving xoxox to everyone for their support :kiss:

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Rang the breeder in Qld last night and he was so helpful ... told me everything to expect from any seller ... exactly what questions to ask ... i am so much more knowledgeable now, but wow I will be saving for a bit longer than I originally thought though ...$5000 for a hand reared bub, which when you put up against possible disease ridden babies or fines of up to $110 000 or ten years imprissonment for having an illegal bird i suppose is chicken feed....just sad it will take a bit longer:(

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