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Hi everybody,My names allie and i share my home with 4 cats and 2 greys.Puddy being the eldest shes 14mths and a monster bird.She hates me with a passion but is sooo in love with my partner and Lb whose my male,hes 5 mths and my babe.Reason for getting Lb was i wanted a bird who would love me as much as i loved them.

Im after any advice with Puddy who like i said realy dislikes me but more disturbingly she hates my 11 year old son and will attack him when she is on the loose.I can tolerate her ive learnt to leave her alone and if she wants something she will come to me and vice versa but with my son she seems to actively look for him to attack.Aopart from kieron if shes out when we have visitors(apart from children)shes quite happy to leave them alone

Any advice wpuld be grateful,thank you

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Hello and welcome to the family, Allie, glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and these two greys. I just love your login name, biteable, I guess that says it all.


I am sorry you have such a tough time with Puddy, but like LMG said they choose who their favorites are and there is not much you can do about it. You could be the one to give her treats and such and that might win you a little attention from her.


I have somewhat of the same problem with a sun conure and one of my granddaughters, the conure hates her and looks for her when she is here and if she gets any where near her she lunges to bite her. I have to keep her away and usually in her cage when she is here.


Please read thru the many threads on various topics for lots of useful information and do not hesitate to ask specific questions you may have. We will do our best to get you an answer and help you in any way we can.


If you have some pictures of the two greys you would like to share with us we would love to see them.:P

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hey Allie:

Greys definitely rank the members of the household as they would in a flock and sorry to say kids just don't rate. Don't feel alone , that's the way Mazy is in my home with the kids. She'll barely give them the time of day. She does let the male children give her some 100% juice as a treat once in a while. You might try it. If your bird hasn't had any , you give her some first or your husband, who ever is the favorite and say "juice" over and over. Then the next day or thereafter you might let your son try. It might not help, but it could begin a relationship for them.

Glad you're here. Love to see some pictures.

Bruce & Mazy

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Welcome biteable!! Sounds like and appropriate name, considering.... :-) At least you do have a sense of humor about the situation with Puddy.


Hopefully as you keep interacting with him at his level of toleration and personal distance he must like to keep, unless he "allows" you to come and give a snack or he comes to you, he will mellow over time.


Looking forward to hearing more!!

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Thank you for your nice welcome.I will keep you all updated on the situation and try to sort some pics soon.The night i joined almost as if puddy knew she was half decent to me,well she is when theres food around.If im in the kitchen making tea and shes loose shes always on my shoulder(not because she likes me) but because she knows she will get some titbits lol.I think she is just a typical woman (mood swings galore)She doesnt even like Lb shes quite happy to shout him all day long but as soon as there both free she pushes her luck trying to show him whose boss,luckily as Lb has grown so has his confidence and i think he finaly holds the highre rank.

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