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Worried about bond with baby Congo


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I have been visiting my 3-month-old Congo regularly for the last three weeks and I adore him, but I am concerned that he is not reciprocating. My question to you more experienced owners is whether or not I am gauging this prematurely.


To give you more details, he responds enthusiastically towards one of the handlers, which of course makes sense because she feeds him on occasion. While he trusts me and is clearly familiar with me, he never seems excited to see me. When I calm him down, he will cuddle and let me hug him, but there was another time when he backed as far away from me as possible when I asked him to step up from a perch. I know birds will show innate predilections for certain people, but is it too early to get a feel for that? To what extent can those change? Or is it just way too early to be asking these questions? Thanks for your help! 2.jpg


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I think you are expecting too much too soon, you haven't even brought him home yet, he only sees you for visits, you don't say how often you see him.


The bonding process will start after you bring him home and until that time I wouldn't worry about it.


You do have a lovely looking grey baby though.

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reno looks absoloutly sweet, i think your expecting to much my ringneck didnt show much reaction to me when i handfed him expect for being excited for food, it wasnt until he was old enough to be moved to his bigger cage in the living room ( i kept him a small guest room with all his equipment away from drafts and people coz of germs) that he realized his position in his flock so to say..he probebly wont show much of his personality until he settles even when you bring him home..and if ur the one still playing with him and giving him treats he'll def see you as his friend then..so basically just let him adjest and love him no matter what, then hell come around ;) hope this helps

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Yes, wait until you get him home. It's natural for him to prefer the hand-feeder he associates with positive things adn is more familiar with. When he comes to your home, you will be the one providing food and handling, and he will start warming up to you. Generally, we have to earn a parrot's trust and affection. It isn't given automatically. So be patient, and I think you will be well rewarded!


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I work in a pet store and we have 5 baby greys right now. They love Sherri and I because we feed them and we see them for hours on end. When the people that have deposits on them come in they don't know them from anyone else that comes in looking at them...so when they do start to realize that you visit them they still don't see you as a "parental" figure because they are still in the pet store, still around their current "parents". One girls TAG would nip at her every time she wold come in for visits (at least once a week). She took him home about a month ago and I talked to her last week and her and the TAG are the best of friends, the biting has stopped and he lovers her very much now.


So like everyone else has said...wait till he is home.<br><br>Post edited by: BMustee, at: 2008/01/16 20:19

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THE most important thing right now to the babies still being handfed is the food and they are gonna love the people who provide them with that for now but things change when they get home and their world opens up and expands. After you bring it home then you will be providing everything it needs and the bonding will begin.

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