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Was he friendly with you in the past?

I'm asking since you write "I really want to be good friends with him again".

Is he friendly with someone else on the house (or was friendly)?

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I'm asking questions here, hope it's ok.

If you prefer we can PM on this.



- could he felt abused in some way?

- how long since he stopped getting attention?

- how long is he acting agresive?

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Well he's never been abused before

It has been a while, though, since he's gotten attention

I took him out of his cage this morning. He didn't bite my hand, just did a bit of "beaking" I guess, before he got on. He stayed on my arm for a while, until flying to his cage. He's been on top of his cage since. I've tried to get him onto my hand again, but it doesn't seem like he wants to. He did try biting me once, but he missed. Any advice?

Thanks alot

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An update on this would be..

Okay, so he was sitting on top of his cage, and I walked over and offered him my hand to walk on.. He began beaking, and I thought it was normal.. Then he bit onto my arm and jumped off of the cage, still holding onto my arm. Then he climbed onto my arm and bit some more. He then crawled up and onto my shoulder and bit my ear. So I have 5 good bites on my arm and one on my ear. I didn't know how to respond, so I didn't. I offered him a peanut and he took it. Then i set a few peanuts on a table we have, and set him on the table. To be honest, i'm now scared to touch him. Those hurt haha

What do I doooo? Thanks

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Did he get back to the cage?

Try working with him, getting his confidence while he's inside the cage.

Feed him, pet him and talk to him.

It will take time but he'll respond to you ;-)

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yeah, he did make it back into the cage. I just had to put a slice of apple in there.

I am trying to work with him, and from what I hear from my parents is that all this morning he's been saying my name.

I guess that could be a good sign. I'll take him out again later to see if I can get some better luck this time. Any more tips? I really don't want my ear attacked again. Ouch!

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